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这个社区人口稠密。The community is densely populated.

它们曾更少的稠密。They were much less dense and compact.

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上海市大部分市区人口稠密。Most of Shanghai City is thickly settled.

暴行常发生在人烟稠密的地区。Violence breeds in densely populated areas.

这个家庭住在一个人口居住稠密的地区。The family lived a district thickly inhabited.

整个北堡地区人口稠密。That whole North Castle area is a rabbit warren.

海地是一个极度贫穷且人口稠密的国家。The country is desperately poor and densely populated.

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在这些人烟稠密的城市中,劳工运动逐渐形成。In these crowded centers, the labor movement took form.

在人口稠密的地区,交叉培训可使人们进行互相帮助。Cross-training allows people to assist in congested areas.

最终结果以稠密点云的形式在文末显示。Results are shown in the end, which are dense point cloud.

而本州是日本人口最稠密的岛屿。Tokyo time and hit off Honshu, Japan’s most populous island.

人烟稠密的住宅区发生火灾时,房子总是取代树木,成为主要燃料。In dense neighborhoods, houses replace trees as the primary fuel.

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这些地区人口稠密,但是地理上十分狭小。These areas are densely populated but geographically quite small.

气固两相流可视为一种稠密的混合气体流动。A gas-particle flow can be treated as a flow of dense gas-mixture.

耳朵产生浓汁,稠密的液体是用来防治细菌的。The ear reacts by making pus, a thick liquid that fights bacteria.

接着我觉得空气变得稠密,被无形香炉熏香。Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer.

该项目位于一个媒介稠密增长区。The site of the project is in an area zoned for medium density growth.

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我的手臂环绕着Dan的脖子,脸埋在他稠密的毛里。I threw my arms around Dan's neck and buried my face in his stiff hair.

提出了模拟稠密气固两相流动的改进模型。Improved models regarding dense gas-particle two-phase flow are proposed.

该底漆是稠密的,从一两英寸深,含油和茫然。The undercoat is dense, from one to two inches in depth, oily and woolly.