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健全的精力寓于康健的身板。B sound mind in a sound body.

就一个老头子而言,你的身板儿还挺不错的。You're in pretty good shape for a geezer.

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新颖空气和运动有好处于身板健康。Fresh air and exercise are good for health.

就一个老头子而言,你的身板儿还挺不错的。And you , fucking tell him now . what geezer.

你的身板需要足够的时间来把脂肪代谢掉。Your body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats.

他身板宽大,个子很高,面无血色,一头稀疏的白发。He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair.

它是一系列光波,正如你的身板是一系列光波。It is a series of light-waves just as your body is a series of light-waves.

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这年头你得有副好身板儿才顶得住纽约一天八小时的交通战。Youve got to be tough to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day, these days.

尽管如此复杂,全身板甲由于其极佳防护能力仍为诸多战士所青睐。Plate armour, however, is highly desirable as the protection it offers is excellent.

要是咱们的身板不强壮,咱们干事的精力必然会十分痴钝。If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do thellongs will certainly be quite dull.

她到处摇摆的身板,带着几分愚钝,于是赢得了“芙蓉姐姐”的称号。Her swing around the physique, with a bit dull, so to win the "Sister Furong, " the title.

锻炼是获得一副好身板的前提,对我而言,它能赋予我愉快的情绪。Exercise is a key to good health, and for me, has always been essential to feeling cheerful.

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从静止的四十六弦琴弦中呈现的声响,类似于你身板那样的1个物理形体。The SOUND which emerges from the silent harp string is as much a physical body as your body is.

作为一名NBA得分后卫他的个子够高且天生得一副在NBA混饭吃所必需的好身板…He has good size for an NBA shooting guard a naturally well built physique that the NBA demands.

当所长回来的时候,他身板挺直,表情严肃,象任何将要发布命令的长官一样。When the inspector returned, he was straight-backed and solemn, like someone ready to give orders.

主要必备素质是刻苦耐劳精力好、进修能力优、事业心强以及身板棒。The main qualities required are preparednesstowork hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.

如果你是一个身板很结实的大块头,那肯定不觉得被紧身衣绑着会舒服。I assume if you were a big, burly kind of guy, you'd be very uncomfortable, sticking to a velvet Onesie.

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对目前铝合金车身板在应用中存在的问题,提出了今后的研究方向。The problems of aluminium alloys for automobile body sheets in use and research direction in future are pointed out.

蝴蝶一般色彩鲜艳,翅膀和身板有各类花斑,头部有一对于棒状或锤状触角。General colorful butterflies, the wings and body there are various piebald head rod or a pair of hammer-like tentacles.

穿梭机可以用于各种柜身板件、台面的切割,圆孔、方孔现场加工等。The jigsaw can be used for cutting, round and square openings in cabinet panels and countertop on the installation spot.