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它产生了共和主义。It led to Republicanism.

仿佛就是一个共和政体。It is like being in a republic.

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西宁到共和150公里,路很好。Road from Xining to Gonghe 150km is good.

我已经厌倦了共和-民主两党的政治规则。I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics.

以共和为男爵爵位的调味品。The Republic makes a good sauce for the barony.

世界各国的目光都在注视着我们的共和政体。The eyes of all nations are fixed on our Republic.

他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart.

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印度将在26日庆祝第57届的共和日。India will celebrate its 57th Republic day on January 26.

撒路斯提乌斯是罗马共和时期的政治家、史家。Sallustius was a statesman and historian of Roman Republic.

袁世凯曾经信誓旦旦,说要坚持共和原则。Yuan Shih-Kai once promised to uphold Republican principles.

大仲马信守共和政见,反对君主专政。Dumas kept the Republican political views, against the monarchy.

撒路斯提乌斯是罗马共和时期的政治家、史家。Sallust was a politician and historian in the late Roman republic.

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他们终于放宽了共和主义的严厉约束政策。They eventually loosened the strait-jacket policy of republicanism.

美国的宪政民主共和制并不独特。As a constitutional federal republic, the United States is not unique.

多年以来,民主思想覆盖了共和思想。Over the years, the democratic values have swamped the republican ones.

也就是说,那是一种贵族政体,一种贵族共和。That is to say it is a kind of aristocracy or an aristocratic republic.

共和城深受犯罪侵扰,还有反御术活动。Republic City is a city plagued by crime. There’s an anti-bender revolt.

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菲利普•佩迪特是西方共和主义复兴中的关键性人物。Philip Pettit is the key figure in the contemporary' republican revival'.

她是一个坚定的共和主义者,极度保守,开的是一辆厢式旅行车。She is a staunch Republican, extremely conservative and drives a minivan.

他拒绝了国王的头衔,沿用传统共和头衔。He refused the title of king, and he took the traditional Republican titles.