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这里的土质很松。The soil here is very loose.

土质为肥沃的粘土。The soils are primarily silty loam.

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由于土质太差,那里可谓是不毛之地。Due to the bad soil, the earth is barren.

陕南茶园,土质多为黄褐土、黄棕壤。Yellow cinnamon soil is clay, neutral or acidic.

使用这些小型的土质泥浆储备池的原因有几个。These small reservoirs are used for several reasons.

吃虫子的鸟可以鉴别土质。Worm-eating birds identify a specific piece of earth.

把茶叶渣倒在花盆里,能保持土质的水分。Pour tea broken bits in flowerpot, can retain earthy moisture.

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区域内土质主要由粘质砂土和砂质土壤构成。The region mainly by clayey sand soil and sandy soil composition.

这地方景色宜人,土质肥沃,林木茂密,牧草丰盛。It was a pleasant fertile spot, well wooded , and rich in pasture.

土质。土块密度的测定。石蜡涂层法。Soil quality. Determination of density of clods. Paraffin coating method.

在中东地区,转暖的气候带来了一望无际的浩瀚草原,水草丰茂,土质肥沃。In the Middle East the warmer weather brought a spread of rich grasslands.

园艺大师会告诉你好的土质是必须的对于植物很好的生长。Gardeners could tell you how essential the soil is to how well things grow.

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黑龙江省西部松嫩平原为大面积高钠盐渍土区,区域内的土质大都为分散性粘土。There is large area of high Na salty soil at Songnen Plain in the west of Heilongjiang.

凤凰号探测器降落在结冰面的土地上,那里的土质富有过氯酸盐。The ground on which Phoenix landed is icy, and is also rich in salts called perchlorates.

庄稼收获量的多少与土质和雨量有着密切的关系。The size of the crop is a function of the quality of the soil and the amount of rainfall.

初期土质松软,可以使用在尾部装有挖坑刀之挖土机和其他设备。In the initial stage, backhoe and other equipment were used for the soft ground condition.

但系统锚杆在土质隧道支护结构中有无作用一直存在争论。However, there has been debate on the effete of system rockbolts for soil tunnel structure.

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研究内容是通过在Q4黄土中掺入水泥及石灰进行土质改良。The main contents in this paper are making Q4 loess improved through Mingling Cement or Lime.

“突出的问题之一是,尽管土质肥沃,仍过量使用了化肥,”乾佑哉说。"One of the things that stood out was overuse of chemicals, despite fertile soil," said Inui.

条分法和有限元法是土质边坡稳定分析的主要方法。Slice method and finite element method are principal methods of soil slope stability analysis.