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一个人进了家戏装店。A guy goes into a costume shop.

穿警察戏装的演员。The actors wore Roman costumes.

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他们为这出戏精心“制作”戏装。They made elaborate costumes for the play.

人们用戏装打扮自己并去参加晚会。People dress up in costumes and go to parties.

他们的戏装与背景相称。Their costumes harmonized with the background.

戏剧活动需要使用戏装。Dramatic activities require the use of costumes.

我们会重从下周周开始制作这齣舞台戏服的戏装。We'll start the play's costume fittings next week.

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他来到纽约,穿好戏装,走进片场。He came to New York, got into costume, came to the set.

这件做工考究的戏装是为即将上演的歌剧准备的。The well-made costume is prepared for the opera to be shown.

戴维斯说,好莱坞通常也会影响戏装的选择。Davis, says Hollywood offen influences costume choices as well.

她在脸上抹了黑油彩,身上穿了戏装以参加晚上的演出。She blacked herself up and rigged her costume for the evening performance.

当站在教室前面的时候,他是唯一一个没有戏装的人。He would be the only one to have no costume as he stood in front of the room.

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演出节目内容形式多样,有戏装舞、现代舞、嘻哈舞和民族舞。The group has wide repertoires including costume, modern, hip hop and folk dances.

毕尔巴鄂的圣周上,游行前忏悔者们在准备他们的戏装,西班牙。Penitents prepare their costumes before a procession during Holy Week in Bilbao, Spain.

“您,先生,把它卖了吧,”理发师正帮着喜剧演员脱掉戏装,就出主意说。You had better sell it, sir, " the hairdresser who was disrobing the actor advised him."

嘉莉去试穿了这套戏装,几天后就这样登台了,她对自己这些新的荣誉很是得意。Carrie was fitted for this costume, and a few days later appeared, proud of her new laurels.

我记得当年上学时我在感恩节宴会上穿过一件戏装。I remembered a costume I had worn in previous years during the Thanksgiving Feast at the school.

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斯尼布身兼数职,他既是宫殿建设工程的监工,又是王室戏装保管的负责人,还是主持法老胡夫葬礼和祭祀的牧师。He was the overseer of the palace dwarfs, the chief of the royal wardrobe and priest of the funerary cults of Khufu.

戏装散落之际,首相现身,他手里拿着一个红球,挥舞着一顶红帽子,脸上挂着一抹微笑。When his costume fell off, the prime minister emerged, holding a red ball and waving a red cap, a shadow of a smile on his face.

儿子满六岁时,我和丈夫给他买了一个木偶剧院,还有一衣柜的盛服,因为他喜欢穿戏装演戏。When our son turned 6, my husband and I bought him a puppet theater and a chest of dress-up clothes because he liked to put on plays.