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文化素养从不停滞。Literacy skills never stop.

水在沟中停滞而变浊。The water stagnates in the ditch.

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所以停滞时期便开始了。So the period of stagnations begins.

但停滞的那段时间是可怕的。But the time of suspense is dreadful.

灵命的停滞会锈蚀心灵。Spiritual inactivity corrodes the soul.

大雪使得交通陷入停滞。Heavy snowfalls brought traffic to a halt.

如果你不去改变,那么你就是停滞的。If you're not changing, you're stagnating.

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一个喷射出的激流不会产生停滞。A swift-flowing steam does no grow stagnant.

我可能创议停滞一下,喝杯咖啡吗?May I propose that we frrere for coffee now?

但是谈判停滞了好多年。But the talks have been stalemated for years.

因此它混淆了结果和最近的停滞。Hence its mixed results and recent stagnation.

如果捷豹停止生产了,经济将停滞。If Jaguars stop moving, the economy will stop.

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自2005年以来,基类库就处于停滞之中。Since 2005, the base class library was in stasis.

一些人认为一个崛起的东方替代了停滞的西方。Some saw a rising East replacing a stagnant West.

我计划在停滞期期间和之后非常“易见”。I plan to be very "visible" during and post stasis.

在短暂的停滞之后,我们有了最新的“你的观点”。After a brief hiatus, we have our latest “your view”.

改变是我们的生命血脉,停滞则如同敲起丧钟。Change is our life-blood, stagnation our death knell.

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它们预计直到2012年中德国经济将一直处于近停滞状态。They expect near-stagnation until the middle of 2012.

这可能意味着出口复苏放缓甚至停滞。That could mean the export recovery slows or stagnates.

但金砖五国能使我们脱离全球经济停滞状态吗?Yet can they save us from worldwide economic stagnation?