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出事路段为双向两车道。Two-way two-lane road accident.

他加快车速驶离了出事地点。He sped his car off the accidental site.

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我急忙叫道,“我希望没出事吧。”I cried hurriedly. `No accident, I hope?

警察被派往出事现场。The policemen were dispatched to the spot.

ISAF不能承受坎大哈出事。ISAF cannot afford to let Kandahar go wrong.

出事后,这辆汽车成了一堆废铁。The car was a write- off after the accident.

的记者是最先到达出事地点的。Our reporter was the first person on the scene.

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驾驶那辆出事的紫色迷你车的是格罗瑞亚琼斯。The driver of the purple Mini was Gloria Jones.

“出事了,”塞缪尔说道,一屁股坐了下去。“Something's happened,” Samuel says sitting up.

巡警琼斯曾在出事现场。Patrolman Jones is at the scene of the accident.

哈克,莫夫·波特不知道出事了,他怎么能告发呢?Huck, Muff Potter don't know it. How can he tell?

我一听到消息,马上感到出事地点。Directly I heard the news, I hastened to the spot.

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但如果你不够聪明,就会出事了。But if you're not smart about it, things can happen.

我一听到消息,马上赶到了出事地点。The moment I heard the news, I hastened to the spot.

街上出事时,很快就围上一大堆人。A crowd soon collects when there's a street accident.

他出事是在今天下午三点半。The accident happened to him at three this afternoon.

爆炸发生后,数十名消防队员冲向出事地点。Dozens of firemen ran to the spot after the explosion.

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几分钟后,在距离出事地点大约200码的地方又发生了第二起爆炸。A second blast followed minutes later about 200 yards away.

李淡云提醒元庚后院总闲着要出事的。Li Danyun reminded yuan Geng backyard total idle to happen.

你刚才有没有听到爆裂声?肯定出事了!Did you hear a crack just now? Something must have happened!