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刻意模仿著名的演讲家Imitating other famous speakers

他也没有刻意去记住它He wasn't trying to memorize it.

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李艳听得多么刻意啊!How carefully Li Ya very listens!

金说她并非刻意为之。King said she did not do it on purpose.

街道的陡度并非刻意为之。The street's steepness was unintentional.

他们刻意地寻找新鲜事物的快感。They knowingly seek the thrill of the new.

我是名足球运动员,我不会刻意去寻找加入一支球队,最美好的时光无疑就是在球场上驰骋奔跑。The greatest time you can have is on the pitch.

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谨慎地/刻意地拿起或放下电话筒。Pick up the phone and put it down intentionally.

但她一直刻意回避此类关注。But she has always shied away from the attention.

我刻意的掩饰感情,控制自己。I desirably conceal the sentiment, controls itself.

事实上,他曾刻意服用晶体甲基。He had in fact intentionally used crystal methylene.

但也不想刻意去思考某些东西。But does not want to ponder certain things desirably.

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故我刚性的去刻意淡忘那些多雨的春天。So I deliberately rigid to forget those rainy spring.

不要再刻意润饰各种一塌糊涂的信息了。Stop obfuscating the information and embellishing it.

但小小郭的确是刻意投出一场好球,他实在是投得很杰出。But he did mean to pitch well, and he was outstanding.

时尚无需刻意定义它的启始。It is not necessary to define the beginning of trends.

他并不需要工具来刻意制造声响。Not that the man himself needed artificial noisemakers.

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也许,因为我并没有刻意去调整自己的状态。Perhaps, because I don't regulate my fettle designedly.

然后,他又刻意往燕麦片粥里倒进枫糖浆。Then, deliberately, he pours maple syrup into his oatmeal.

茶花的文字从不刻意调侃,却看了时常让人忍俊不禁。Chahua never teases with her words – she simply amuses you.