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米勒日巴明白中道。Milarupa understood the middle way.

我们需要修习中道。We need to practice the middle way.

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我们的师尊已经是中道。Our Master is already the middle way.

我们尽力尝试建立中道。We try our best to build up the middle path.

在昨晚比赛中道杰斯队击败了梅兹队。The Dodgers downed the Mets in last night's game.

中道就坐落于轮回和涅槃之间The Middle Path here is to straddle between Samsara and Nirvana

因为它依赖于憎恨或者依赖于一条虚假的中道来存在。It depends upon that which hates or has a false middle path to exist.

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他实践了在自我禁欲与自我纵欲之间的中道。He practiced a Middle Way between self-mortification and self- indulgence.

纵观胡瑗的所有论述,无不显示其“中道”的底蕴。Throughout all the discussion of him, without exception, it shows the core of them.

亚里士多德的哲学观点是三分法,倡导中道哲学。Aristotle's philosophical view is trichotomy , which advocates a middle course philosophy.

以前,在黔中道这个地方没有驴,后来有个人用船运来了一头。Previously, in Qianzhongdao there were no donkeys. Later someone brought one there by ship.

中道将跟一直以来所经历的一切都不同,包括地心人类。The middle path will be different from what has been for all including the inner earth humans.

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提升带来了对这类两极摇摆的终结,因为你找到了中道——而这就是你的灵魂目标。Ascension brings an end to such swings as one finds the middle road, which is one's soul purpose.

在1987年一年之中道琼斯工业平均指数出现六次两位数涨幅。The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained six-tenths of a percent during the calendar year in 1987.

中道是显化正好是你在生活之路某个特定点上所需事物的能力。The middle road is the ability to manifest just what one needs at any given point upon the road of life.

昆伐尼克崧纳克来自中道禅修协会,协助安排这项活动。Khun Phanich Thongnark is from the Middle Way Meditation Organization, which helped to arrange the event.

死是无法避免的,正如贾家的中道失落也是必然的,宝黛恋也注定是无果的。Death is inevitable, as Jia's also the inevitable loss of the middle and Bao Dai is also doomed love is no fruit.

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混乱中道九卷走日本人财物跳车逃跑,各方势力却对他穷追不舍。The path in the disorder 9 whirl Japanese property to jump car desert, each force is in hot pursuit to him however.

从思想内容与艺术特色来探讨中道的这部日记体名作。I attempt to probe into this diary body of Yuan ZhongDao's masterpiece from thought content and artistic characteristics.

本文提出了一种航空图像中道路线特征的提取算法,适用于复杂背景下城区中多等级道路的特征识别。This paper proposed an algorithm to extraction hierarchical road features from high-resolution aerial images of urban areas.