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我在国民银行存钱。I bank at the National Bank.

我在第一国民银行有账户。I bank at the First National.

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英国已不再实行国民兵役制。Britain no longer has national service.

全垒打助王建民一臂之力,国民胜出。Home runs boost Wang, Nationals to win.

斯卡拉是一个能干的国民公仆。Scala was a meritorious public servant.

他儿子约坦管理家事,治理国民。And Jotham his son succeeded him as king.

他是一个骗子并且是一个中国国民。He is a charlatan and a Chinese national.

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国民队王建民拿胜投,还敲出首支安打。Nationals' Wang earns win, gets first hit.

佛教徒国民服务学员排队浴佛。PLKN participator queue up to bath Buddha.

在日本主权操在国民手里。In Japan authority is vested in the people.

爱好音乐的人是心情平和又守法的国民。They are too law-abiding and to acquiescent.

经费严重不足的国民保健制度。The poverty-stricken national health service.

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愤怒几乎成了国民义务。Indignation is almost the national obligation.

西村茂树的善良的国民道德和教育思想。Xicun Maoshu's kind citizen moral and education.

我只好让国民警卫队的人来把车拖出来。I had to get the National Guard to pull them out.

他利用新的广播媒体直接向国民发表演讲。He used the new medium of radio to do so directly.

然而,Fallows的主要论点还是国民心理方面的。Fallows’s main argument, though, was psychological.

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第三章,国民大会选举制度。Chapter III, the National Assembly electoral system.

然则国之老少,又无定形,而实随国民之心力以为消长者也。Likewise, the age of a nation is not something fixed.

只有MMR联合疫苗才能得到英国国民保险。Only the combined MMR vaccine is available on the NHS.