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这该是我立功的时候了!This was to be my day of triumph.

有立功表现的。The person has performed meritorious service.

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他在部队里多次立功。He repeatedly distinguished himself in the troops.

立功的人将受到奖励。Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.

立功者受奖。Those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded.

警员搜寻了在立功现场的每一团体。Police searched everyone present at the scene of crime.

司法实践应当有限度地承认帮助立功。Helpful meritorious should be recognized to a certain extent.

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在抗击匈奴的战争中立功,他被授予王爷的位号。He was made a duke for his contribution in fighting against the Huns.

帮助立功是典型立功的异化形态。Helpful meritorious performance is a typical meritorious form of alienation.

大将军赢得战役,但真正立功,赢总体战的乃是无名战士。Great Generals win campaigns, but it is the Unknown Soldier who wins the war.

差人冲击立功地工作,其实就是侦查工作。The police strikes the job committing a crime , is investigating crimes in fact.

年迈的奶奶早就看透了安查丽,只是没有控制她立功的证据。Elderly grandmother would have seen Ann look beautiful, but no control her evidence of it.

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当局没有四须鲃以前更容易立功比普通人群的。B. Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the general population.

在双方的首轮交锋中,博季诺夫独中两元,帕拉迪诺和德切利埃也双双立功。In the first round, a double by Bojinov, goals by Palladino and De Ceglie, and the debut of Venitucci.

帮助立功的困境是,因为帮助者因素的介入,犯罪分子的立功无法被刑法独立评价。Due to the helper factors, the helpful meritorious can not be an independent evaluation of the Penal Code.

成功不仅仅是成名与立功,更是生命的成熟,并且他与社会同功。Success is not only famous and contributions, but also the mature of life, in accordance to social success.

假如废弃了死刑,其它科罚对那些极端立功的遏制力会更显得左支右绌。If the abolition of the death penalty, other penalty imposed on those extreme crime deterrent will be better.

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诗人用暮鼓晨钟般的诗句唤醒人们的生命意识,以“立言”和“立功”来战胜死亡的威胁和对死亡的恐惧。He uses alarming verses to waken people's consciousness to life and defeats Death by writing and winningglory.

他曾经是一个满怀艺术梦想的少年,参军、立功也没有使他放弃艺术梦。He began as a young man who dreamed of being an artist, a dream that his time in the army didn't cause him to abandon.

有重大立功表现的,可以减轻或者免除处罚。Any criminal who performs major meritorious services may be given a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.