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其它黄金,非货币用,半制品形状。Semi-manufactured forms, other gold, non-monetary.

铱,锇及钌,半制品形状。Iridium, osmium and ruthenium, in semi-manufactured form.

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被覆铂族之卑金属,银或金,且仅属半制品者。Base metals, silver or gold clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured.

提高半制品条干均匀度和纤维伸直度,对改善成纱质量效果显著。The enhancing of semi-finished goods evenness and fiber straightness has significant effect to improve yarn quality.

标准半制品库存定义和控制各相邻工序之间半成品及材料的合理库存量。The in-process inventory controls the flow of material by defining how much inventory should be stored in-between processes.

经小样及大样试验结果表明,采用免漂速效处理剂昊华-100加工的全棉半制品质量能与传统工艺媲美。Results from trials and bulks illustrate that fabric quality treated with HAOHUA-100 is equivalent to that with traditional process.

机采棉纺纱半制品和成纱的有害疵点较多,其应用有一定的局限性。Semi-finished goods and yarn has more harmful defects if using machine pick up cotton, so application of machine pick up cotton has definite localization.

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并与碱氧一浴轧蒸工艺的处理效果进行比较,半制品质量指标优于碱氧工艺,强力损伤率明显降低。The quality index of half finished goods was superior to that of alkali-oxygen one bath pad-steaming process, and the strength damage significantly de-creased.

分析了原棉及半制品中成熟度与其他性能的相关关系,探讨了棉纤维成熟度在纺纱加工过程中的变化规律。In this paper is analyzed the relationship between the maturity and other performances with the variation regularity of cotton fibre maturity in spinning also discussed.

从各种因素对经缩疵点的影响着手,在半制品控制、设备工艺调整、织物组织优化等方面加以分析,并举实例佐证,以消除或减少在生产过程中产生该疵点。Studied the causes of knees defects from the perspectives of half-finished product control, equipment craft adjustment and fabric texture optimization, which were supported by examples.

精梳纺纱系统的半制品与成纱质量较FA201精梳纺纱系统的半制品与成纱质量好。In this paper, by studying C4. and FA201 combing spinning system it was found that the semifinished products and yarn quality of C4. combing system were better than that of FA201 combing system.