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什么是反射?What is Reflection?

并非每种色光都会反射回来。Every color is not reflected.

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我有一架摹镜头反射式照相机。I've got a single-lens reflex.

这面高墙将声音反射回来。The high wall reflects sounds.

高纯铝反射器罩。High purity aluminum reflector.

高纯铝反射器。High purity aluminium reflector.

我有一架单镜头反射式照相机。I have get a single-lens reflex.

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刀在黑暗中反射着微光。It reflects a little in the dark.

水面将阳光反射回来The water threw back the sunlight.

我有一架单镜头反射式照相机。I've got a twin-lens reflex camera.

双镜头反射式照相机。I have get a twin-lens reflex camera.

这种反射作用常常会产生。Such reflexion are common occurrences.

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冰层同时也能够反射太阳辐射。The ice also reflects solar radiation.

刀反射阳光而闪闪发亮。The sword glinted back the sun's rays.

照在剑上的阳光被反射了出去。The sword glinted back the sun's rays.

回合制,不要求快速反射。Turn-based, no fast reflexes required.

假如我的眉宇反射出这光辉。And, if my brow gives back their light.

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假如我的尾巴摇动,那只是反射动作。If my tail wags, it is a reflex action.

也称为迷走反射。Is also called confuses the reflection.

光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。Light will rebound from a shiny surface.