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火被扑灭后发生了什麽事?What happens when the fire is out?

消防队员扑灭了一场林区大火。Fire fighters hosed down a bushfire.

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火小易扑灭。/小洞易补。A little fire is quickly trodden out.

那人划着了一根火柴扑灭一根香烟。The man struck a match to light a cigar.

一个零化学药剂的扑灭臭重新方法。A chemical-free method to treat bed bugs.

火灾在10点45分扑灭。The fires were extinguished at 10.45 p.m.

踉跄她拿出火柴扑灭它。Falteringly she took out a match and lit it.

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大火被勇敢的消防队员扑灭了。The blaze was quenched by the brave firemen.

从格兰奇镇赶来的消防人员把大火扑灭了。Fire crews from Grangetown put out the blaze.

黎明时大火已被完全扑灭。The fire was completely overcome by daybreak.

他们在火上浇了水,把它扑灭了。They put out the fire by pouring water on it.

用芭蕉扇扇,猴扑灭了火。With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire.

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救火车是用来扑灭大火的。Fire engines are used for putting out big fires.

扑灭了热火!淹死了其他人。Which beats the Heat! And drowns everybody else.

所幸火患很快就被扑灭。Fortunately, the fire was put off by SCDF shortly.

如果内心在燃烧,则没有形式可以将其扑灭。And if the heart is aflame, no form will quench it.

扑灭冲击到底在哪些方面比破甲好?。In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor?

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政府在几天之内就扑灭了叛乱。The government crushed out the revolt in a few days.

战士们找来了树枝把火扑灭了。The soldiers gathered branches and beat the fire out.

显然,他正好扑灭了5英尺10英寸的火。Apparently, he extinguished exactly 5'10" of the fire.