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是什么促使你去做这些?What prompted you to do that?

是什么促使你在特柳赖徳买房子?What made you buy in Telluride?

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对艺术的热爱促使他到了国外。Love for art carried him abroad.

阳光能促使作物快速地生长。The sun makes plants grow quickly.

好奇心促使我将盒子打开。Curiosity moved me to open the box.

但是这能不能促使一代人转变?。Buta catalyst to shift a generation?

是爱促使我的尽心戮力。It is love which engenders MY effort.

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用户故事促使QA创建场景Stories pull QAs to create scenarios.

食物缺少促使物价飞腾。The scarcity of food forced prices up.

是什么促使你改名字的?What inspired you to change your name?

什么促使人们寻找爱情?What motivates people to seek out love?

她的自尊心促使她去完成这项工作。Her pride drove her to complete the job.

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阳光正促使庄稼长势良好。The sun is bringing the crops on nicely.

越是困难,就越促使我们依靠上帝。Impossibilities compel us to rely on God.

我的好奇心会促使我提出一些刁钻的问题。I am curious and ask some tough questions.

这促使当局需要重建秩序。It urged the authorities to restore order.

许多国家想促使战争人道化,可是没有效。Nations have tried feebly to humanize war.

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反对促使我们进一步努力。Opposition inspired us to further efforts.

这促使他们中的一部分人加钱选座。This prompts a portion of them to pony up.

您的问题,是促使市场活跃非常复杂。Andthat your problem is really complicated.