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她的恐惧是有根有据的。Her fear is well-founded.

对于有根有据的批评,我们必须乐意作出改变。We must respond to well-founded criticism with a willingness to change.

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然而,认为该书可信的观点似乎是有根有据的。However, arguments for the reliability of the book seem to be well grounded.

他们对于一切已经做了的或没有做的事总是有根有据、振振有辞。They had chapter and verse for everything they had either done or left undone.

也许她也觉得我的期望并不像我想象的那样有根有据。Perhaps, too, she thought my expectations not so well founded as I imagined them to be.

然而,认为该书可信的观点似乎是有根有据的。本书由口授而成,且作者身陷囹圄,难免回忆不准。The book was dictated when the author was in prison, so his memory might sometimes betray him.

你甚至可以给予更高的评价,说它是利物浦俱乐部最好的照片也是有根有据的!You could even go further than that, and say it is arguably the finest involving Liverpool Football Club.

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塔伦特当地人害怕加税,而且,考虑到该议会过去的政策,他们的害怕有根有据。Tarantian locals fear increased taxes, and, considering the past policy of the Council, their fears are well-placed.

如果人们都在自己的文章后面署上自己的真实姓名,如果人们的言论都有根有据,那么我们的社会文明程度会无限地提高。People are infinitely more civilised when they must put a name to their writing, when they have to stand behind their words.

同时,我们需要增加基本研究的支持,也需要找到最好的有根有据的方法去治疗疾病。In the meantime, we must increase support for basic research and for finding the best, evidence-based approaches for treating the disease.

这一分析美国希望能项目,无论是有根有据与否,这会不会成为中国在武器贸易的叛乱团体参与。That analysis could project U. S. hopes, whether well-founded or not, that China will not become involved in weapons trade to insurgent groups.

这种看法有根有据显而易见的漏洞,那就是美元的贸易加权价值既反映了美元价值的波动,也反映了其他货币价值的波动。The obvious problem with this approach is that the trade-weighted dollar mixes together changes in the dollar's value with changes in the value of foreign currencies.

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他生动具体、气势宏伟的一系列颂歌,不仅是当时妇孺皆知、琅琅上口的文学诗篇,而且是有名有姓、有根有据的鲜活历史。His series lifelike, picturesque and grandiose odes were well-known and recited by people at that time. These odes were not only lyrics but also vivid history with exact names and facts.