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梦见优雅,儿子。Dream grace, son.

解放油罐车挡位和优雅。Moving off with grace.

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优雅的风度。The grace of my style.

品尝由内而外真实的优雅。Find our true inner grace.

我在说人类的优雅。I m talking about human grace.

是一款精致优雅的白马堡。A fine and elegant Cheval-Blanc.

丰富而优雅葡萄酒余韵悠长。Rich and elegant wine in length.

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梦不见的优雅就是被放弃的优雅。Grace undreamed is grace forgone.

她是美丽与优雅的化身。She personifies beauty and grace.

沉默,但是很整洁和优雅。Silent, but so clean and elegant.

本·富兰克林的办法非常优雅。Ben Franklins solution was elegant.

美貌会枯蒌,优雅将永存。Grace will last, beauty will blast.

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她优雅地走下台阶。She walked daintily down the steps.

你认为梁咏琪的举止优雅?Do you think Gigi is a elegant girl?

甜蜜的长笛声散发着你的优雅。Sweetly play the flute of Thy grace.

是一款经典优雅的卡贝纳红酒。It is a classic and elegant Cabernet.

这类女人是优雅的象征。These women are the epitome of grace.

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山田是一个说话优雅凝炼的人。Mr. Yamada is a very polished speaker.

这位年轻人举止优雅风度舯腈。The young man is elegant and handsome.

我们最优雅的花是金百合花。Our most elegant flower is Golden Lily.