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全民植树日。National Tree-Planting Day.

今天是植树日。Today is Tree-planting Day.

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现在许多学生在植树。Anumber of students are planting tree snow.

植树日是起源于内华达洲。The idea for Arbor Day originated in Nebraska.

放下千斤斧,快去勤植树!Put one thousand jins axe, go often plant trees!

玲玲记得这周的活动是植树。Lingling remembers that it's tree planting this weekend.

我们植树时给根部壅实土。We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.

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植树种草既能阻沙,又能固沙。Planting trees and grass can not only resist but also fix sand.

请写写植树对城市空气的作用。Please write about the effect of tree planting on air in a city.

呼吁大家要多植树,节约用纸,不要滥砍滥伐。Called on everyone to plant trees, save paper, not deforestation.

根据1982年颁布的全民义务植树运动规定,每人每年都要种植3至5棵树。By a law enacted in 1982, every Chinese must plant 3-5 trees a year.

办事处正在组织居民参加义务植树。The sub-district office organizes voluntary residents to plant trees.

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植树,卖旗,捐血及其它社会服务。Tree planting, flag selling, blood donation and other community work.

芬兰北部的冰雪把常绿植树变成了冻结的幽灵。The snows of northern Finland turn evergreens into frozen apparitions.

比如,多植树,那对我们的环境很有好处。For instance, many tree-planting, and that of our environment is very good.

我将多植树,帮助需要帮助的人并且把我的爱带个每个人。I will plant more trees, help people in need and bring my love to everyone.

选择一个植树地点接收了6每天日照时数最少。Select a planting site that receives a minimum of 6 hours of sunshine daily.

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他们可以在农田附近植树挡风,这样,风就不会把腐殖土吹跑了。These will stop the force of the wind, and then it cannot blow the humus away.

我们植树护林,能从树木给予我们的回报中受益多多。We plant and care for the trees in return for many benefits they concer upon us.

主办城市的努力一直在变动,而且过于依赖植树。Host city efforts have been variable, with a general over-reliance on tree planting.