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咖啡因会使身体失水。Caffeinated drinks cause the body to lose water.

由于失水造成的细胞膨胀性的消失。Wilting The loss of turgor due to lack of water.

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当然炎热的天气也会增加失水。Of course, warm temperatures also increase water loss.

时间过长,易导致肌肤失水、失养。Longer time easily leads to dehydration and dystrophy to skin.

这主要是由于渗透性利尿失水所致。Because osmotic diuresis dehydrates , this basically is be caused by.

干燥剂剂量愈大,种子失水速度愈快。The dehydration rate was increased by adding the dosage of desiccants.

中度胁迫中期是叶片不受失水伤害的极限。Middle degree of water stree was the limit of non-damage apricot leaves.

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这意味着幼茎叶片比老茎叶片有较强的控制蒸腾失水的能力。This means that the leaves of new stem had more ability to limit water loss.

研究了冷凝回流在压水堆中破口失水事故中的作用。The effect of condensation reflux model in PWR LOCA analyses was investigated.

鸡蛋的外壳是不透水的,防止胚胎失水。The outer covering of the egg is waterproofed to prevent the embryo from drying out.

低温能很好地抑制呼吸强度、失水率和发芽率,延长休眠期。The low temperature can inhibit the respiration rate, dehydration rate, and sprouting rate.

这是一种安全设施,当失水事故发生时,能将水位保持在安全范围。This is a safety device, designed to keep the water at a safe level in the event of a LOCA.

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当你做体育运动的时候,会需要更多的水,因为你在不停地流汗、失水。When you are exercising, your need even more water because you are sweating and losing water.

随烟叶失水的进行,内肽酶活性升高,总游离氨基酸含量增加。With the loss of water content, endopeptidase activity and free amino acid content increased.

严重者可有呕血、黑粪、甚至失水、以及中毒及休克等。Serious person can have haematemesis , melaena, dehydrate even, and toxic reach shock to wait.

用气相色谱法分离和测定失水山梨醇各组分的相对含量。The composition of dehydration of sorbitol was separated and determinated by gas chromatography.

研究结果表明,早期失水越多,混凝土中后期强度越低。Result show that the more the loss of water at early-age, the lower strength of concrete acquired.

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发现热风干燥温度越高,发酵芥菜失水越快,复水性越差。With the higher temperature of drying the faster of water loss and worse of reabsorbing capability.

酒精可以让皮肤脱水,导致皮肤加剧失水,而让皮肤更加的干燥。Alcohol is dehydrating to the skin, leading to excess moisture loss which can increase skin dryness.

采用优质合金板册,超纯电解液,自放电率极小,失水极少。High quality spacer and pure electrolyte are adopted and the self discharging and water loss are low.