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他的挚友,朱雀,成为了他的敌人。His best friend who called Suzaku became his enemy.

幸存的朱雀星士之一。与魏、井宿一起行动。One of the surviving Suzaku Seishi. Co-operating with Chichiri.

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幸存的朱雀星士之一。与魏、翼宿一起发挥重要作用。One of the surviving Suzaku Seishi. Playing a key role along with Taka and Tasuki.

此外还有城市森林公园龙潭山、朱雀山等风光绮丽的景区。In addition, the Town Forest Park Longtan Hill, rosefinch Hill scenery So the node.

而现在,仅仅依靠四千朱雀军,还没有造反的能力。But now, merely depend ashore 4,000 Vinaceous Rosefinch soldiers, haven't rebeled of ability.

整个朱雀军,就像一条长蛇,匍匐在这长溪岭上。The whole Vinaceous Rosefinch soldier is like a long snake and crawls on this long river Ling.

犬子身在朱雀军,一般就住在大营里,很少回家。The dog son body is in the Vinaceous Rosefinch soldier, common live in the big camp, hardly go family.

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共工氏头撞不周山,三界紊乱,朱雀乘隙怂恿三大神兽联手祸患人世。Gong gong's head ZhouShan not bump, three disorder, rosefinch ChengXi urged three big beast to evil died.

周围是夏日暖风的声音,树叶晃动的声音,柔和的鸟唱,以及朱雀扇动翅膀的声音。And it was full of the sounds of warm summer wind, and rustling leaves, and soft birdsongs, and linnets' wings.

周围是夏日暖风的声音,树叶晃动的声音,柔和的鸟唱,以及朱雀扇动翅膀的声音。And it was full of the sounds of warm summer wind, and rustling leaves, and soft birdsongs, and linnets’ wings.

但是雄性家朱雀,只要一有机会,就会选择和明显抱恙的同性鸟抢面包屑吃。Yet male house finches, when given a choice, opt to break breadcrumbs with males who are obviously under the weather.

朱雀纹饰磨砂隔断成为居室的第一道为亮丽风景。Rosefinch grain acts the role of the first when grind arenaceous partition to become a bedroom to shine beautiful scenery.

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在中国古代最令妖邪胆战心惊并且法力无边的四大神兽就是青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四兽了。In ancient China most Yaoxie tremble with fear and almighty of the four sacred animal is the Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, basalt of the four beasts.

张老板,我劝你,还是赶快让令公子回来,不要和朱雀军裹在一起。Owner piece, I inform you and still reserve letting to make the childe come behind in a hurry, don't with Vinaceous Rosefinch soldier fasten attach.

且代你向林大人讨个七品官来做做,指挥朱雀军,也有个名份。And generation you solicit for from mature wood 7 story the officer come to do, conductor Vinaceous Rosefinch soldier, there is also a social status.

一个是它的售楼处,就是大家看到朱雀门的销售中心,第二个是样板楼,第三个是样板园林,第四个是样板间。It is one of the sales offices that we see rosefinch door sales center, and the second model, and the third is the model garden, the fourth is a model.

探讨朱雀汤的来源、方义,并从古代和现代研究总结朱雀汤的临床应用和名家经验。Discuss Zhu Que decoction source, Fang Yi, and from ancient and modern research sums up Zhu Que decoction clinical practice and famous expert experience.

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青龙白虎掌四方,朱雀玄武顺阴阳,四灵圣兽苍龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武天之四灵。Dragon White Tiger palm Quartet, Suzaku Xuanwu Shun Yin and Yang, the four spiritual sacred black dragon, white tiger, Suzaku, basaltic days, four spirits.

四大神兽秉性各别,龙族傲慢、白虎鲁莽、玄武阴毒、唯朱雀最为残暴,每日要吃人过活!Four big beast disposition severally arrogance, white tiger, the dragons, unremitting basaltic cover-up recklessness, most brutal, daily seishi live to eat people.

四大神兽秉性各别,龙族傲慢、白虎鲁莽、玄武阴毒、唯朱雀最为残暴,每日要吃人过活!Four big beast disposition severally, dragonkin arrogance, white tiger recklessness, xuanwu maliciousness, unremitting rosefinch most cruel, daily to eat people live!