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她是阿妹的双眼。She is Mei's eyes.

阿妹以她的歌曲闻名。A-Mei is famous for her songs.

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我非常喜欢阿妹的歌。I like A-mei´s songs very much.

阿妹祝你生日快乐噢吼吼吼吼!!!I love you. I want you happiness! ! !

唱歌时,我假装自己是阿妹。When I sing, I like to pretend I am A-mei.

问一声小阿妹,你要去接谁。Q soon as a small-Mei, who you want to pick up.

许多人去阿妹的演唱会看她的表演。Many people went to the concert to see A-Mei sing.

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阿妹的歌一直都是经典曲目,蛮喜欢的!顶。Mei's songs have always been classics, enjoyed it! Top.

阿妹的年度演唱会门票,一个月前就全卖光了啊。A-Mei's annual concert tickets were all sold out a month ago.

捏住他的鼻子,阿妹,他就会呼噜呼噜地醒过来。Hold him by the nose, dearie, then he'll splutter and wake up.

阿妹就是月亮,挂在阿哥心上。The younger sister is the moon, hangs on the elder brother heart.

阿妹是月亮,融进阿哥梦乡。The younger sister is the moon, melts the elder brother dreamland.

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放学时,我到阿妹的班级问问她有没有看见我的钱包。After school, I went to Maxine's classroom to ask her wether my wallet is at home.

阿妹坐船头,阿哥水粗鄙,快游快游,沙鱼在背面。A boat, the elder brother of water vulgar, fast swimming fast swimming sharks in the back.

眼睛水灵灵,脸上红霞飞,问一声小阿妹,你要去接谁。Lingling eyes water, his face Xia Fei, asked soon as a small-Mei, who you want to pick up.

阿妹深情诠释,很适合做铃声,没有一点杂质,小妞自用哦。Mei affectionate interpretation, it is suitable for ring tones, with no impurities, chick-occupied oh.

哈哈,连蹦带跳的总算过了,我们大家过来的时候可不想壮家阿妹那般舞姿优美,个个都像醉汉。Haha, finally had the, when we do not want to come home Mei Zhuang dance as beautiful as all were drunk.

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高原美呀,高原蓝,想念蓝天下清澈的那一双眼,天也蓝衣也蓝,想起阿妹心里甜。Yeah, plateau blue, miss the clear blue sky, which eyes are blue are blue day, think of Mei sweet heart.

王力宏和阿妹的“中国风”新歌,每个人听起来,不仅仅是音乐。Wang Leehom and A-Mei's latest records sing of "Chineseness" in ways that aren't music to everyone's ears.

我们不能去要求阿妹把每首歌都拿捏到位,但是她的歌声都是发自内心的,打动人心的。We can not ask sis each song has to handle in place, but her singing is heartfelt, touched people's hearts.