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激情洋溢,充满活力,热力四射。Exude Passion, Energy, and Enthusiasm.

阳光热力渐强,天气也日渐温暖。Warmer grow the sunbeams , and softer the air.

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原动机为燃气轮机的热力发电机组。A thermal generating set driven by a gas turbine.

提出了斜角切削热力模型。A thermomechanical model for oblique cutting was proposed.

本文分析了海气热力遥相关联系。In this paper, air-sea thermal teleconnection is analyzed.

如一双温暖的手轻抚着我,让我感受着那种热力,摆脱掉凉意。Feel the heat, come out of cold, and your arm is touching me.

掌握热力过程中熵变的计算方法。Grasp how to calculate the entropy in a thermodynamic process.

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她的脸白皙,他俩都长着生气勃勃的眼睛,热力四射的嘴唇。Her face is white, they have the same excited eyes and hot lips.

北京市热力集团有限责任公司宣传部。Publicity Department of Beijing District Heating Group Co. , Ltd.

我们将带领你度过这热力四射,充满诱惑的夏夜!We will lead you through this hot summer night full of temptations!

我就像那个夜总会里的倒霉蛋,不停地去招惹那个热力四射的女郎。I'm like the loser in the nightclub who keeps hitting on the hot babe.

这是砑光机上的过度热力或压力所造成的纸张故障。It is a paper defect caused by undue heat or pressure in the calendars.

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模型适用于各种发动机的热力循环。The model can be applied to all varieties of engine thermodynamic cycles.

生命的热焰犹如封闭在热力无法脱逃的炉膛之中,生生不息。The flames of life burn in a closed oven from which the heat cannot escape.

由于核心旋转更加迅速,其热力与大小也会增加。Because the core is spinning more rapidly, it is increasing in heat and size.

这种由热力产生的能源蕴藏在地壳下的岩石与液体中。This thermal energy is contained in the rock and fluids beneath Earth's crust.

在火电厂中,水和蒸汽是热力设备中的工质。Water and steam are the working media of thermodynamic facility in power plant.

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研究了弹性椭圆夹杂体的平面热力耦合问题。The plane thermoelastic fields for elliptical inhomogeneity problem are studied.

在人眼看来,橙色是热力四射的颜色,因此它给人以热的感觉。To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat.

什麽?寒霜2的画面竟然会赢不了超热力追缉?真是可惜了这麽好的寒霜2引擎。The Run is not as pretty as Hot Pursuit, but the Frostbite 2 engine is well used.