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在门诊病人中观察到这个现象。This phenomenon was observed in the outpatients.

貌似在难民营里麻诊病患也是随处可见。Measles cases seem to be everywhere in the camps, too.

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门诊部普通门诊病员,应先挂号后诊病。Average outpatient service, should the clinic after register first ask.

目的探讨人性化护理服务在特诊病房施行的成效。Objective To explore the effect of humanized nursing service in priority ward.

国庆节这位医生还得给患者诊病—真是一个繁忙的休假日。The doctor had to help the sufferers on national day-quite a busman 's holiday.

⊙、对作家来说,写得少是这样的有害,就跟医生缺乏诊病的机会一样。For writers, write less harmful, just like doctors lack of appeal of the opportunity.

林肯虽然已经死了150年,但还是有不少医学专家在为他诊病。No shortage of armchair physicians are ready to diagnose Lincoln 150 years after his death.

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闻道在药局内照顾灾民时,蓁蓁过来了,让闻道替她把脉诊病。Smell is the tao in medicine station caring for victims, pastor, let to scent pulse ask for her.

我们进行了一个回顾性的研究,尝试去发现回诊病人的危险因子和导致回诊的原因。We conducted a retrospective study and tried to identify the risk factors and reasons for the revisits.

为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。After nearly 40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.

中医师诊病已达到灰箱操作的科学层次。While feeling the pulse, a Chinese medicine doctor has reached the scientific level of grey box operation.

初级医疗单位可能需要迅速的把关于所有转诊病人的信息送给付款者机构。Primary care providers may need to forward information regarding all referred patients to a payor organization.

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医德始终贯穿于诊病、治病处理好与病人的关系这一过程之中。Medical ethics should be involved in the whole procedure of diagnosis, treatment and deal appropriately with patients.

本轮QCC活动可说已基本达成预定目标,门诊病患之候药时间已大大缩短。The QCC activities have mainly reached the goal and the out-patient waiting on the medicine could be reduced efficiently.

非医师因素再回诊病患具有较高的死亡率。Patients belonging to non-physician-related group have higher mortalities than those belonging to physician-related group.

发烧和感染性疾病分别是回诊病患最常见的主诉和疾病。Among revisiting patients, fever and infectious diseases were the most common chief complaint and disease category, respectively.

目的提高特诊病人的入院宣教效果,提升病人信任度和满意度。Objective To improve the effect of hospitalizing education in priority ward and promote the patients' trust and satisfaction degree.

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在校内医院或保健科诊病时须在挂号处办理挂号手续,缴交挂号费。There is a hospital on the campus. When consulting a doctor, the patient shall register at the registry and pay the registration fee.

医生说她接受诊病和治疗的时间晚了一年,现在已经无能为力了。The doctors have said that she has come a year too late for a diagnosis and proper treatment and there is very little they can do now.

教师由于长期用声教学,为嗓者门诊病患比率最高的职业族群,其嗓音健康问题值得重视。Teachers run the high risk of voice disorder because they often use their voice when teaching and also the high ratio of outpatient services.