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他以治学严谨著称。He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.

校长大人还有什么治学妙招?The headmaster adults still have what reserch coup?

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和真正的治学谨严学风。He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.

我以能在这样一所治学严谨的大学里学习感到骄傲。I take pride in being able to study here because it is rigorous.

在治学中,我与郑板桥结下了不解之缘。I was irrevocably committed to Zheng Banqiao in academic pursuits.

研究方法的开放、多样,构成李元洛治学的显著特点。Open and diversitified research way is his main study characteristic.

爱心诚信是做人根本,求实谦虚为治学前提。Love the integrity is fundamental, realistic research premise is humility.

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治学之余,以笔墨陶冶性情。Beyond learning and teaching, he nurtures his temperament with ink and pen.

但由于英国的治学方式严谨,对于抄袭的检测更是严格。But due to the UK 's style rigorous, for plagiarism detection is more strict.

校园环境幽雅,风格独特,是读书治学的理想园地。Campus environment elegant, unique style, is ideal for reading scholarly garden.

对研究对象分析至微,掌握其不易之则是戴震治学的基本方法。Studying the object and mastering its essence is Dai Zhen's basic research method.

其次对孔子治学思想的内涵及外延进行阐释。Second Confucian scholarship on the connotation and extension of thinking to explain.

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刘咸炘的理论贡献与治学方法为文章学研究提供了有益的借鉴。Its theoretical achievements and research methodology offer reference to prose research.

从研究方法和治学作风上说,此书堪为后学者的楷模。The research method and style in the work has set an example for the following researchers.

明朝后期的胡应麟在文学理论及治学方面颇有建树。Hu Yinlin of the late Ming Dynasty made quite a contribution to literary theory and studies.

从治学态度来看,学生要有学而不厌和学贵有恒的精神。From his scholarly attitude of the students have Insatiable and the immutability of your spirit.

他早在青年时期就懂得,科学上的因循守旧只能意味治学上的愚蠢。He learned the lesson early in life that scientific conformity means intellectual stultification.

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阮元在学术思想上虽然受到戴震的影响,但治学的侧重点和戴震显然有别。Ruan Yuan was different from Dai Zhen in pursuing studies, although Ruan Yuan was influenced by him.

时至今日,他们的治学理念和办校实践仍然为高等教育学界所称道。So far, their university idea and practice are still highly thought of in the field of higher education.

他思想的核心是“经世”,他治学的宗旨是“学以致用”。His thought core is "Jingshi". The objective of his research is "studies for the purpose of application".