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我踩上了沙子又踏上了顽石i stepped on sand then stone

我的足同走过的顽石倾谈。My foot talks with the stones it treads.

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它甚至将顽石也变成为映射其婆娑姿影的一部分。It makes even the rocks part of its dancing mirror.

人们用手掘井取水,却每每挖到顽石。People are digging wells by hand, but they hit rock.

你现在是一块顽石,并且看上去很棒。You're rock-solid now, and you're definitely looking good.

顽石幽草千年恋,四大家族衰与昌。The stone and grass thousands years love, four families with Chang.

的确,对镜自赏的慈悯,会变成顽石Verily the kindness that gazes upon itself in a mirror turns to stone

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击打我这顽石,向顽石说话,让这盘石流出水来!LORD, smite the rock, or speak to the rock, and cause the waters to flow!

矝傲将不悦镌于顽石,爱情的悦服献自花朵。Pride engraves his frowns in stones, love offers her surrender in flowers.

如果命运是块顽石,我就化作大锤,将它砸得粉碎!If fate is a insensate stone, I will turn into a big hammer and hit it into pieces!

音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀,软化顽石和使千年老树弯腰的魅力。Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks and to bend a knotted oak.

眉宇间似乎被千年的顽石深深的锁住。The forehead the stone that seem to a quilt for thousand years the profound lock live.

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螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。Screw cat troupe insensate stone troupe taichung young man opera shop army honor guard.

螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。Screw Cat Troupe, Insensate Stone Troupe, Taichung Young Man Opera Shop, Army Honor Guard.

没有什么事情有像热忱这般具有传染性,它能感动顽石,它是真诚的精髓。Nothing have like this infectious enthusiasm, it can move the stone, it is the essence of sincere.

顽石创意为侨委会设计的文化网页。The culture web page designed for the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission by Bright Ideas Design.

顽石整齐地排列在河岸,加上宽阔的水域,为拍摄日出日落提供了绝佳的背景。Terrific rocks line the shore, plus the huge expanse of water provides good sunrise and sunset photos.

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蛇发女怪美杜莎,她那颗能把活人变成顽石的头颅,允许你只要在镜中看就行。The head of Medusa that turns living men to stone, you have been allowed to look at in a mirror merely.

音乐有着抚慰粗野的胸怀、软化顽石或使千年老树弯腰的魅力。Music is so glamorous that it can pacify a coarse mind, soften rough stones or make a thousand-year-old tree bow.

驮马能行走的也只有顽石坝那15英里的路程。这里真是个荒野。它是美国为数不多的几个野生园区之一。Accessible only by packhorse—a rough, 15-mile ride up Boulder Basin—it's true wilderness, some of the wildest land in America.