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诱因可大可小。The cause can be small or large.

要找到每个习惯的所有诱因。Identify all of them, for each habit.

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而抑郁症是自杀的首要诱因。Depression is the leading cause of suicide.

因为有些诱因不理性,他们没有理由参与其中。They have no reasons involved in them at all.

另一个疑虑是有悖于常情的诱因。A related worry is that of perverse incentives.

从某种程度来说,金融危机正是诱因所在。To a degree, the financial crisis is respon­sible.

打呵欠最关键的诱因就是大脑的温度。The key yawn instigator appears to be brain temperature.

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当然,婚姻的另一诱因是婚后可拥有的合法利益。Of course, another big draw of marriage is the legal benefits.

读一些关于糖尿病的诱因并学会如何做好预防措施。Read about about the causes of diabetes and how to prevent it.

偶发复杂度的第三个诱因是不可逆性。The third enabler of accidental complexity is irreversibility.

信息不对称是博弈各方不合作的主要诱因。Information asymmetry is the main inducement of noncooperation.

而真正造成臀部下垂的最重要诱因,还是我们日常生活中不合理的饮食。The most important cause of Saggy butt is our daily unhealthy diet.

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怨恨、憎恨、恶意、敌意这些是导致大量病痛的诱因。Resentment hatred ill will and hostility are behind a host of maladies.

急性肾盂肾炎通常只影响局部区域,其发病多无明显诱因。Acute pyelonephritis is usually localized and may have no apparent cause.

有其他专家认为缺氧和服用致幻药物可能是诱因。Others have proposed lack of oxygen or hallucinogenic drugs as a trigger.

脑梗塞是继发性颅内出血最常见的诱因。Infarction is the most common cause of secondary intracerebral hemorrhage.

促成卡特里娜飓风过后灾难恶化的另一诱因便是权利的斗争。Further tangling the post-Katrina disaster effort was a struggle for power.

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尽管如此,依然有很强的诱因让开发商宣称某项计画为外加性。Nevertheless, the incentive to declare a project as additional is powerful.

“我只是希望蜂群衰竭失调的诱因是单一的,”佩蒂斯说。"I only wish we had a single agent causing all the declines, " Pettis says.

中国国内的各种问题也是其强硬姿态的诱因。China's manifold domestic problems are another cause of China's belligerence.