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不要坐失良机。Don't take any chances.

她坐失良机。She dallied away her opportunities.

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我敢打赌,贵公司不会坐失良机的。I'm sure your company won't miss the chance.

因此,你得好好准备,可不要坐失良机。So, get yourself prepared, and don't miss the boat.

如果迟迟不采取行动,你就会坐失良机。you will lose your chance if you delay your action.

人生最大的错误之一就是坐失良机。One of the biggest mistakes in one´s life is to miss the boat.

我们已坐失良机,我们的竞争对手已占领了市场。We've missed the bus. Our competitors have captured the market.

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尽管有人提供了一份好工作,但他只好坐失良机。He cannot but let the chance slip through his fingers when offered a good job.

漂亮女孩乔治娅看起来有点不高兴,但埃迪不会是个坐失良机的人。Gorgeous Georgia did not look pleased, but Eddie was not a guy to pass up a good opportunity.

由于坐失良机,眼睁睁看着美国滑入一场大衰退,布什理当成为靶子。For being asleep at the switch while America slid into a great recession, Bush is a ripe target.

面对科技革命的重大机遇,不能坐失良机。Faced with a major opportunity for scientific and technological revolution, can not let slip a golden opportunity.

当我们致力于重建美国的时候,我们不会在这个新世界的挑战面前退缩,也不会坐失良机。While America rebuilds at home, we will not shrink from the challenges, nor fail to seize the opportunities, of this new world.

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尽管我们尚未人到中年,我们却都习惯于后悔曾经坐失良机、虚度青春,这让我们在想象中有一种高尚的感觉??避免所有的错误。We are all of us, even though we have no more than reached middle age, given to regretting our neglected opportunities and our lost youth.

我向来是个珍玩爱好者。我心想,这一回可不能坐失良机,即使不买,也要去看看。I have always been interested in curios . I promised myself I would not miss this opportunity, if not of actually buying, then at least of looking.

报告称中国公司与在谈判和筹集资金更有经验的欧美投标人竞争时,就难免会坐失良机。This can cause serious delays for Chinese firms competing with American and European bidders with much more experience in negotiating and lining up finance, the report said.

帅飘坐在卡车上快到熊司令的射程突然让司机停下车来,这时候,熊司令接到林部长的命令却不想坐失良机。Handsome floating sat on a truck to bear commanders range let the driver stopped his car suddenly, at that time, the bear commander ordered minister Lin but dont want to miss the boat.

但是,我们缺乏耐心又不知道如何与日本人打交道,白白坐失良机,对两国都是一大损失。However, we just lose opportunities left and right because we are impatient for results and most don't know how to deal with the Japanese appropriately. It's a big loss for our nation and for Japan.