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那像一种梦游症。I think that is like sleepwalking.

还是今天,我突然发现我竟然有梦游症!Today, I found out apparently I sleep walk.

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我这位辩护委托人的家族中有着精神彻底崩溃与梦游症的病史。There have been cases of shipwreck and somnambulism in my client's family.

医生说,梦游症比人们通常认为的要常见得多。Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more commonthan is generally supposed.

医生们都说,梦游症要比人们通常认为的情况更加普遍得多。Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more common than is generally supposed.

写这份报告的作者给这种新的梦游症为“打瞌睡发信”。The writers of the report have dubbed this new variation of sleepwalking 'zzz-mailing'.

梦游症患者在发病过程中有可能造成危害社会的结果,甚至实施“犯罪”。Sleepwalkers may do harm to the society, even commit a "crime" in the course of disease.

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大概有过一些故事,一个叫蘑菇少年,一个叫梦游症男孩。Some story about a boy called a mushroom youngster, other one called a sleepwalking boy.

梦游症是精神病中意识障碍的一种。Sleepwalking is one of the disturbances of consciousness that fall in the scope of psychopaths.

发作后,翌日凌晨不易转醒,且常伴有梦游症。After fit, the next day before dawn turns not easily wake, and constant companion has somnambulism.

患梦游症的人和接受催眠的人不同,他们不注意任何人也不接受别人的指令。The sleepwalker, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take instructions.

许多梦游症患者不前来就医,因而也就永远也不能记录在案,这就意味着永也没办法作出精确的统计。Many sleepwalkers do not seek help and so are never put on record, which means that an accurate count can never be made.

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以我们的认知,在梦游症中,这种需要有协调能力的复杂行为以前没有报道过。To our knowledge this type of complex behaviour requiring coordinated movements has not been reported before in sleepwalking.

蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像一个有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt trees infinitely extended, their black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker.

有些患梦游症的人在梦游时会大声说话,以便把家庭中其他人吵醒,然后让家人把他们摇回清醒状态。Some sleepwalkers talk in their sleep loudly enough to wake someone else in the family who can then shake them back to their senses.

一个穿着睡衣的男人脸色苍白的木然走着,怎么看不像是流浪汉,倒有点像白日做梦的梦游症患者。Puts on night clothes' man face whiten to walk wooden, how to look that is the tramp not likely, pours somnambulism patient who daydreams a little likely.

许多报道证实梦游症患者把他们的衣服穿在内裤里,或是烹调膳食然后回到床上但并不去品尝它。Many accounts attest to a somnambulist leaving their house clad only in underpants, or rising to cook a meal and returning to bed without so much as tasting it.

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关于梦游症所能肯定的两点就是梦游是情绪紊乱的一种症状,要治好梦游症的唯一的办法就是找到导致焦虑和担忧的病因。What is certain about sleepwalking is that it is a symptom of emotional disturbance, and that the only way to cure it is to remove the worries and anxieties that cause it.

他们争论道,不像简单的梦游症,这个妇女所做的动作需要复杂行为和协调运动,例如清楚地记得她的登陆细节。Unlike simple sleepwalking, they argue, the activities the woman engaged in required complex behaviour and coordinated movement, as well being able to remember her login details.