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犹如巫师吓得鬼魅纷纷溃离。Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing.

在如此一场被历史所萦绕的比赛中,出现了一个鬼魅般的进球。In a fixture haunted by history there was a ghost goal.

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潜藏千年邪气高傲高傲的鬼魅。Underlying millennium pullbacks haughty ghosts haughty.

真爱如同鬼魅,每个人都谈论它,却很少有人见到。True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.

色丹岛周围都是海冰——也就是图上鬼魅般的蓝灰色旋涡。The island is surrounded by sea ice—swirling shapes of ghostly blue-gray.

失业问题依然鬼魅般如影随形,并且没有好转的迹象。Unemployment is still in the stratosphere and shows no sign of improving.

而野马就是西部残留影象,犹如鬼魅,几乎不见踪影。Mustangs are an after image of the west, no better than ghosts, hardly there at all.

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有那么一段情,就像盛开的罂粟花,鬼魅耀眼。诱人而又致命。So a situation, like the poppies in full bloom, bright ghosts. Seductive and deadly.

该片围绕一个生命垂危的男人,他的前世及鬼魅般的亲人们展开,为观众们呈现了一个奇诡的故事。It is a fantastical tale about a dying man, his past lives, and his ghostly relatives.

他越游越深,睁着眼睛,看着鲣鱼摆着鬼魅的荧光尾在水中来回穿梭。His eyes were open, and he watched the ghostly, phosphorescent trails of the darting bonita.

在我们生活的每一个角落,都能看到我们自己成长的影子,象鬼魅一样附体于每一个人。In every corner of our lives, we can see the growth of our own shadows like ghosts possessing us.

它看起来就像是鬼魅一般,而船上其它的门徒也都尖叫哭喊起来了。It looked as if itwere a ghost. There were screams and cries from the other disciples in theboat.

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看到那个鬼魅一般的身影往我们走来时,船上有些人甚至开始呕吐起来,还有些人匍匐在地。Some of us even started pukingand grovelling sounds as we saw the ghostly feature approaching us.

铜镜驱邪观念的基本结构主要包括铜镜能使鬼魅现形和鬼魅害怕现形两个环节。The elementary structure of the idea that a bronze mirror can cast out devils consists of two aspects.

农舍旁的狗群不安地吠叫起来,仿佛这异样的月光唤起了草丛间的鬼魅。Dogs nearby farmhouse barked nervously, as if this strange light had wakened evil spirits in the weeds.

洁净的浮冰有些有汽车那样大,有些是直立着的,在极地凌晨鬼魅般的晨光中从舷窗外飘过。Neat, frosted slabs the size of cars, some upright, passed by the porthole in the ghostly early-hours light.

鬼魅一般的夫妇穿过房子,打开窗子,寻找着他们的快乐,一边絮语着不要吵醒我们。Wandering through the house, opening the windows, whispering not to wake us, the ghostly couple seek their joy.

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无论水墨如何运用都有种如诗如画的韵味,时而高雅,时而性感,时而摩登,时而鬼魅。The show has a kind of picturesque charm, sometimes elegant, sometimes sexy, sometimes modern, sometimes ghostly.

斯利瓦斯塔瓦被一种不同的诱惑所吸引——那个向他低语彩票缺陷的那个鬼魅般的声音。Srivastava had been hooked by a different sort of lure—that spooky voice, whispering to him about a flaw in the game.

它面部特征剧烈下倾的角度,惨如白骨的皮肤,结合成一种鬼魅般痛苦的表情。The sharp downward angles of its facial features and its bony chalk-white skin combine to give it a ghostly, anguished look.