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预约安宁,为燥热的心态降温。Let peace tranquilize your restless heart.

我们在燥热的便道上又走了几步。We move a few steps down the hot sidewalk.

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走廊伸手不见十指,空气燥热难忍。THE corridors were dark, the air uncomfortably hot.

我只是不适应这边燥热的天气行么?。Look, I acclimating to the warmer climate, all right?

这两种茶属寒性,适合燥热的甜腻粽。The two tea is cold, the sweet and suitable for hot dumpling.

因饥饿燥热,我们的皮肤就黑如炉。Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine.

褪去了白天的燥热,夜晚的丛林星星点点像是活了一样。The forest has come alive with bioluminescence as the day fades.

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很快,我们坐进了燥热、拥挤的戏院,而且高高在上。Soon we were sitting high up in a very hot, very crowded theatre.

燥热的夜晚,风带着几丝夏日的热。The night of hot and dry, the breeze takes several heats of silk summers.

消渴病的基本病机是阴虚燥热。The basic pathogenesis of diabetes is dryness-heat due to deficiency of yin.

你的体温在升高,所以你将会流汗,并感觉十分燥热,汗流不止。You will get sweaty. Very hot and sweaty, as your body temperature escalates

如果燥热的天气持续下去,明年的蝗虫还要多。If the hot, dry weather continues, there will be even more grasshoppers next year.

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动态平衡含水率与乾燥热风温度,谷物之关系可加以建立。The relationship among Mde, drying air, and grain properties could be established.

烦恼可能就是你的情绪转变,燥热可能就是你体重和激素的增加。The bothered is probably your mood swings and the hot is extra weight and hormones.

这是一个燥热的夜晚,他们听着外面的声音,热得脸上布满了汗水。It was a hot night, and the sweat of the heat stood on their faces as they listened.

英文歌曲,有助于我们松驰绷紧的神经,冷却燥热的情绪,让我静静地聆听吧。English songs can help us release our nervous and calm dowm, let me enjoy it quietly.

石膏形成于潮上带萨布哈,是干旱、燥热环境下的产物。Anhydrite deposits formed in sabakhas under the conditions of dry and hot environment.

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生病,燥热,压力,伤口,甚至是暴露在阳光下等都会将这些病毒唤醒。Illness, fever, stress, injury or even sunlight, among many factors, could rouse the virus.

还应避免食用燥热之品,如羊肉、狗肉和辛辣食物等。Still should avoid edible to be tasted hot and drily , wait like meat of hotpot, dog and hot food.

秋日气温干燥,缺乏水气的濡润,易受燥热病邪而发病。Autumn drying temperatures, lack of moisture moisten, susceptible to heat pathogen and pathogenesis.