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我用石蜡涂盖表层。He then coated it with wax.

石蜡靠加上软化剂发生变化。The beewax were changed by adding softeners.

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石蜡是糯碳氢化合物、无异味。Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell.

过去片子是用石蜡固定到金属板上。Historically, wafers were waxed onto a metal plate.

很难对氯化石蜡进行表征。"They are difficult to characterize, " Henry agreed.

有些火锅店用石蜡替代牛油。Some hot pot restaurants use paraffin instead of butter.

方法石蜡包埋,连续切片,HE染色。Methods Paraffin embedding, serial sections, HE staining.

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所有标本经福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋。All specimen were fixed by formalin and embedded by paraffin.

比格尔说,排放的废气有一种轻微的石蜡气味。Bigger says the exhaust has a light waxy smell, like paraffin.

广东用工业墨汁、色素、石蜡等制作粉条的企业。Claims of ink, dye and wax being used to make food prompts probe.

本文论述石蜡催化氯化的新技术。A new process for catalytic chlorination of paraffin is presented.

白天的时候,在圆锥中的石蜡吸收阳光而融化。During the day, a container of wax absorbs solar energy as it melts.

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方法采用石蜡永久制片和光学显微摄像的方法。Methods Permanent paraffin sections and light micrography were used.

石蜡、棕榈蜡是石蜡油烃、无异味。Paraffin and palm oil Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell.

自动加浓阀主要由PTC、石蜡体和针阀组成。The automatic enrichment valve is composed of PTC, wax and valve needle.

土质。土块密度的测定。石蜡涂层法。Soil quality. Determination of density of clods. Paraffin coating method.

同样的着色剂对棕榈蜡和石蜡会产生不同的颜色效果。The same colorant will give different color tones with palm and paraffin waxes.

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奥威尔用液化气烧水和煮食,靠石蜡燃点防风灯,到了晚上就烧煤。Orwell used Calor gas to cook and to heat water. Storm lanterns burned paraffin.

中国氯化石蜡产量在不到20年的时间内增加了30倍。China's production of the chemicals has increased 30-fold in fewer than 20 years.

在对由福尔马林固定-石蜡包埋的组织的预测分类是必须的。Prognostic classification on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues is required.