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我一时语塞。I was speechless.

但是,我再一次语塞。Again, words failed me.

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我语塞,支支吾吾地回避了她的问题。I'm serious. I avoided her question.

他们的争论使对手为之语塞。Their opponents were shut up by their argument.

他一看见他的前妻,顿时感到语塞,说不出话来。The sight of his former wife dumbed the words in his mouth.

又惊又怕的我竟一时语塞,没有勇气开口说话。Shocked and scared, I could not conjure up the courage to speak.

这理由似乎很充分,老婆一时语塞。The given reason seemed very rational, which made my wife's tongue tied.

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它是唯一让我一时语塞、找不到合适答案的问题。It was the only one that momentarily stumped me for an appropriate answer.

因为Tony因不会说话而语塞,他自然的反应,就会是。Because Tony is stuck and Tony's natural response to being stuck uh-oh would be Uh-oh.

儿子的语出惊人让这对父母顿时语塞,泪水从脸颊流下。These words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears streamed down their cheeks.

所有即兴的演讲,眼泪和充满感情的语塞,都是真实的”,Streiber说。All of those flustered speeches and tears and choking back of emotions—all of that is real," Streiber says.

所有即兴的演讲,眼泪和充满感情的语塞,都是真实的”,Streiber说。All of those flustered speeches and tears and choking back of emotions—all of that is real, " Streiber says.

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我在国外时,某些读过我的作品的人问我,某一篇故事是否具有典型的美国特徵,我竟一时语塞。When I'm in another country and someone who reads my books asks me if a story I've written is typically American, I demur.

当民警问少女来哪家工厂打工,并让其出示身份证时,少女顿时语塞,眼神中透过一丝慌张。Ask when the policeman the girl comes to which factory work, when letting its show id card, girl immediately tongue-tied, one is passed through in the eyes flurried.

当然了,如果出现了一个你不知道如何回答的问题、或者你一时语塞,也不要编造事实或试图蒙混过关。Of course if there is a question which you are not expected to know the answer to, or if you are genuinely stuck, don't make things up or try to bluff your way through.

山中,袁春梅想知道陈秋石是否爱她,陈秋石一时语塞不知如何回答,袁春梅一脸悲痛转身离去。In the mountains, chun-mei yuan want to know whether Chen Qiushi love her, Chen Qiushi I dont know how to answer, was speechless chun-mei yuan a face of grief turned away.

面对妈妈这么多的问题,我一时语塞了,心中仔细一想,发现自己确实做得不太对,就决定要跟我的好朋友道歉。Face the problem of my mother so much, I was speechless, think carefully in the heart, find themselves really did not quite right, it decided to apologize to my good friend.

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艾尔弗雷德一时语塞,努力避开老板的目光、过了一会儿,他把手伸进口袋,把偷的东西拿了出来。Alfred did not know what to say, and tried to keep his eyes from meeting the eyes of his boss. After a few moments, he put his hand into his pockets and took out the things he had stolen.

淑梅留在开朗家一整夜,引起姜蓉不满,淑梅反驳斥姜蓉擅自利用她身体亲吻开朗在先,姜蓉一时语塞。Shu mei stay open all night, cause dissatisfaction with grated ginger, shu mei the dismissed grated ginger to use her body to kiss a bright and cheerful disposition, grated ginger was speechless.