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戏台不就是戏台嘛。A stage is a stage.

大牛你看,这戏台上。Daniel, look. On the stage.

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这就是以前的戏台啊。It was a stage in the past.

这么漂亮的戏台。With such a beautiful stage.

哦。这里为什么要建两个戏台呢?Oh. Why two stages built here?

戏台也分很多种啊?Are there many kinds of stages?

大牛这就是浒崦戏台。Daniel, this is the Xuyan Stage.

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这里的确有那么多戏台。There are indeed so many stages.

乐平村村都有戏台。I found each village has a stage.

有的村子甚至有四五个戏台。Some have even four or five stages.

那么我们现在好好地来看看这座戏台。Now let's take a close look at this stage.

那我们抓紧时间去看看另一种戏台吧。Let's go take a look at another kind of stage.

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御座是放在象戏台一样的台上。The throne is mounted on a stage-like platform.

可是朱比特呆呆地站在戏台下面。But Jupiter was standing motionless at the foot of the stage.

我不扮演戏台上的国王骗取掌声。I do not personate the stage-play emperor to entrap applause.

极端愤怒的村平易近在笼子形的戏台上打造了一场惨剧。The villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.

极端愤怒的乡村居民在笼子形的戏台上打造了一场惨剧。the villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.

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看,这里还有祖庙节日期间上演莆仙戏的戏台。Look, this is a stage for Puxian play on the occasion of festivals.

围内也设东西厢房,还有戏台等娱乐场所。There are also east and west wings and the stage for entertainment.

后来,在没有戏台的情况下也演出了一出关于误会的喜剧。A comedy of errors was however played later on without any stage at all.