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哪一块标牌表示“不得在此吃喝”?。Which sign means "Don't eat or drink"?

不要适度沉沦于吃喝或是工作。Refrain from overindulging food, drink, and work.

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不要过度沉溺于吃喝或工作。Refain from overindulging in food, drink, and work.

车库没有排污设备,小店主的吃喝又都在这儿。No Sewerage garage, the small shopkeepers have gone further here.

大家吃喝得珍珍有味,豪华地休整了一个多钟头。We had a beautiful lunch and luxury lunch break of more than one hour.

我当然很想去爱,可就这么个每天吃喝拉撒不停,8磅重的小家伙么?I wanted to, but what was to love in this 8-pound bundle of pee and puke?

如果您是个美食家,请来尝试我们的“任您吃喝”歌彩烧烤。If you are gourmand, come to the "All you can eat & drink" Grey Chef BBQ.

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人生不只是吃喝---T。休斯,美国律师和法官。Life is not all beer and skittles---T. Hughes, American lawyer and judge.

十二岁的Kwisha的吃喝拉撒都是经由人类之手抚养。Twelve-year-old Kwisha was hand raised by humans with diapers and bottle.

本我追求吃喝拉撒,保暖,和性欲的满足。It wants to eat, drink, pee, poop, get warm, and have sexual satisfaction.

再把那只肥牛犊牵来宰了,我们应吃喝欢宴。Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast.

再把那只肥牛犊牵来宰了,我们应吃喝欢宴。And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry.

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我对我的日常生活如此不感兴趣,以至于我都不大记得吃喝的事。I take so little interest in my daily life, that I hardly remember to eat and drink.

我现在的人生可就真的就剩下一件事了,那就是,吃喝拉撒睡,等死。Now my life is really only one thing, that is, but also eating and sleeping, wait for death.

我想,一般意义上的“生活”就是指吃喝拉撒了。"It's where I live". By 'live' I mean where one eats, drinks, sleeps and relaxes in general.

他认为一周来招待客人们吃喝的账单一定是个‘天文数字’。He claimed that the bill for wining and dining the guests for a week would be "astronomical".

地理位置非常方便,就在东门地铁口,出来就是,晚上周边很多逛的吃喝拉撒都有。Location is great, just near to the Metro station where major shopping centres are all around.

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真想自己还是个婴儿.这样就能幸福快乐的在爸爸妈妈怀里吃喝拉撒!I am still a kid. Or like a kid. I like to eat baby food, just because I want myself was a child.

这里有一流的餐馆和酒吧,用吃喝来结束你对法租界的漫游是个好主意。Cap the experience off with dinner and drinks at one of the area's excellent restaurants and bars.

当你在户外吃喝的时候,你应该将垃圾保存下来,直到你看见垃圾桶再放进去。When drinking or eating outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in.