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余音缭绕。The music lingered in the air.

我是来自梅城初中的余音。I'm from Meicheng Middle School.

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然而,伊拉克的余音却会一直萦绕在美国陆军周围。But Iraq isn’t going to leave the U.S. Army.

只留下鸽铃那袅袅的余音。Only the residual sounds of the bell remain.

余音终究是余音,能循环不能重来。It is sound and sound, can be re circulation.

绕梁余音可以让效果持续10轮而非5轮。Lingering song makes it last for 10 rounds instead of 5.

但审判的余音却一直回荡在美国文学史中。But echoes of the trial would reverberate in American literature.

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万物的声响此刻全都沉寂了,只有空中偶尔传来钟磐的余音。Everything was quiet except the aftersound of the bell now and then.

好一曲悲壮的歌声,那余音哀厉是永远长存在人人的心中!What an intense and grievous song, whose whistles and wails would be in people's heart forever!

绿袖子的余音在周遭回响,凄凄的,忧郁的声音,在诉说一个不幸的故事。The aftersound of Green Sleeves, telling a miserable story, is ringing around, so melancholy and blue.

在十点钟光景,一个清脆的声音忽然响起来,它的余音在空中荡漾了一会儿。At about ten o' clock, a clear sharp report rang out, the air vibrating briefly with its trailing echo.

只有中国人知道怎样制作这种优美雅致、常呈半透明状的材质,轻轻敲击,余音环绕。Only the Chinese knew how to make this delicate, often translucent, material that rings when you tap it.

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思念像一条流不尽的江河,思念像一片温柔的流云,思念像一朵幽香阵阵的鲜花,思念像一曲余音袅袅的箫音。Missing is like an endless river, a tender and soft cloud, a fragrant flower and a music of bamboo flute.

这支歌唱遍了神州大地,唱过了50年悠悠岁月,余音袅袅,一曲难忘。C. This song has been singing all over China for 50 long years, the voice of which cannot yet be forgotten.

夜的序曲源于夕阳的余音,那不可言喻的黑暗而奏出庄严的赞歌。The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its Solemn hymn to the ineffable dark.

那一声微小的铃声,好似一阵微风细雨吹拂过干裂的大地,一丝又一丝余音,绕着心房打转。Like a soft breeze blowing over dry land, the ring resonated faintly but distinctly, touching the bottom of my heart.

在实际使用时,人们感受到的余音时间跟听音室的混响时间也有关。When a piano is played, the practical duration time felt by people is related to the reverberation time of the listening room too.

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渐暗的舞台上只剩下横笛的余音,但见房子的上空,笔削的公寓高楼耸峙得更险峻。Only the music of the flute is left on the darkening stage as over the house the hard towers of the apartment buildings rise into sharp focus.

冷静尖锐的镜头把人性的阴暗照得分明,余音缭绕,更获戛纳电影节最佳导演奖。Calm sharp lens to the dark side of human nature as a distinct, lingering around, also won the best director award of the Cannes film festival.

民间信仰主要通过神话余音、民间祭祀的叙事话语和历史表达等方式存在于民间传说之中。Folk beliefs exist in the folk legends mainly by means of narrative words of myth's surplus echoes, folk sacrificial rites and historical expression.