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格外的成功。Extraordinarily successful.

你要格外小心。You have to be more careful.

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这次要格外的特别。This one will be extra-special.

这一夜对于我来说显得格外漫长。It had been a very long night for me.

初秋的天气格外明朗清新。It is bright and fresh in early autumn.

深秋的夜,格外的冷。Especial chilly in the later fall night.

因为我是强壮的,对于我就格外苦。So much the worse for me, that I am strong.

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布朗或许感到格外地羞愧。Mr brown might feel particularly shamefaced.

十来个大窗户使大厅显得格外敞亮。The hall was well lighted by a dozen windows.

冯-马能对于做简单的事情格外小心。But van Manen is wary of doing the simple thing.

圣诞节时墓地都显得格外漂亮。Cemeteries are very beautiful at Christmas-time.

那堂课,同学们画得格外认真。In that class, the students drew very seriously.

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不过格外令罗马人着迷的还是丝绸。It was silk, though, which fascinated the Romans.

我拉上窗帘,顿时觉得心胸开朗,格外清新。I close the curtain now, feeling broader, fresher.

小蚂蚁得到了夸赞,脸红红格外开心。Small ants got praise, blushed particularly happy.

他的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。His red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.

请格外小心以免损坏线束。Take extra care not to damage the wiring harnesses.

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不锈钢中间平面的计划格外优秀,高清。The design of the steel mid-plane is pretty genius.

但是,那个你的第一个狂热的爱好者是格外令人感到兴奋的。But that first fan -- that was extremely satisfying.

客人心神领会,会格外高兴。Guest's mind appreciates, will be particularly happy.