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正式名为“蓝色告警”或“蓝色信号”。Formerly called a "Blue Alarm" or "Blue Signal.

监视告警和保护脱扣功能。Monitoring alarm, and protective tripping functions.

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其中灰度直方图法是本系统告警信号灯识别的最佳方法。The gray histogram arithmetic is the best method for this system.

毕竟没有任何动力要求,也没有出现任何失速告警显示。No power input was required at all, and no stall warning screeched.

另外对告警信息的相关性也作了分析。It researches the dependence among the alert information in addition.

还提供了一组警报、严重告警、错误和警告手段。An array of alarms, emergency alerts, errors and warnings are provided.

如果告警灯还亮着,那让汽车技工做诊断性测试。Have the mechanic perform diagnostic tests if the oil light remains on.

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你总倾向于认为自己能摆平,但这已经是一个告警信号了。There is a tendency to think you can make it up, but this is a warning.

建立对告警数据库进行知识发现的数据挖掘系统模型。Datamining System Model for telecommunication alarm database is also presented.

低压告警,具有外接应急电电源接口。Low-voltage alarm, with interface connected to external emergency power supply.

如果告警灯还是亮的,那就有可能是是告警灯电路发生短路。If the light remains on, there is probably a short in the warning light circuit.

对策系统包括921-A型雷达告警接收器和定向仪。Countermeasures include a Type 921-A radar warning receiver and direction-finder.

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还可以设置后续的日期和时间,甚至设置一个告警通知。Optionally, you can set the default follow up date and time, and also set an alarm.

设备通常用于通信和雷达干扰以及雷达告警等。The equipment is used for communications and radar jamming, as well as radar warning.

建设电信集中式告警系统就是解决这一问题的关键举措。Building a telecommunication concentrative alarm system is the key resolvent of those problems.

在美国历史告警的章节中,也许他们最终激励了一次最棒的大众辩论。In this alarming chapter of American history, they might wind up fueling the best public debate yet.

挖掘的多维频繁情节可以帮助网络管理人员分析告警信息和诊断故障。The discovered patterns can be employed to help network managers analyze alarms and locate the faults.

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如果想要避免这种类型的告警信息出现,那么您可以按照下列步骤手动的关闭安全性检查The workaround to avoid this alert is to turn off the security check manually by following these steps

以一个告警监督系统的设计实现为例,研究了符合TMN标准的电信管理系统的设计和实现。The author works on the design and implementation of an alarm surveillance system that conforms to TMN.

如果告警是在CTU2载频出现的,则可能射频合成器产生故障。If this alarm is raised on a CTU2 radio type, a failure of one of the radio's synthesizers has occurred.