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1894年,国会成立移民办公署。In 1894, Congress established the Bureau of Immigration.

思茅在解放初期称“普洱专区”,市长公署驻普洱。Simao said that in the early liberation "Pu'er area, " Mayor Corruption in Pu'er.

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在漂亮的办公署,女儿的笑声充当了香肠的调料。In the beautiful bureau my daughter’s laughter served for the sauce of the sausage.

一些专门的赈济机构,只不过有时因灾于公署内暂设,事毕即行撤消。Some special relief organizations were established only temporarily, and canceled after the disaster.

公署的资源中心备有所有已完成的直接调查的报告,供市民索阅。Reports of all direct investigations completed are available for public scrutiny at the office's Resource Centre.

公署的资源中心备有所有已完成的直接调查的报告,供市民索阅。The reports of all direct investigations completed are available for public scrutiny at the Office's Resource Centre.

联合国难民公署说,他们正设立一个难民营来庇护没有得到利比里亚家庭收留的科特迪瓦难民。The U.N. refugee agency says it is setting up a camp to shelter those who have not been taken in by Liberian families.

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此研究由美国卫生资源与服务部母婴卫生办公署和国立口腔与颅面研究所提供资助。Funding was provided by HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

洛山矶会议和游客办公署主任马克。李博曼说,他对能吸引更多的中国游客去洛山矶旅游充满信心。Mark Liberman, president of the LA Convention and Visitors Bureau, said he was confident of attracting more Chinese people to LA.

洪武十四年以后,大多数河泊所均建有专门的办公公署,而且建置规制基本类同。Most of such stations had office buildings fourteen years after Hongwu was in power, and they shared basically unified standards.

以总理公署表示,国际部队将接替以海军在黎机场和海港的岗位。Israeli Prime Minister's Office says international forces will replace Israelis' Navy position of Lebanon's airports and seaports.

英国官方人员正在抚慰心神未定的新娘,英国高级专员公署的发言人说,公署委员长和副领事在周二专程飞去慰问刚刚失去丈夫的那位新娘。"The British High Commissioner and the vice-consul flew out on Tuesday to support his wife," a British High Commission spokeswoman said.

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她表示,联合国难民事务专员高级公署整理的基本救济箱里面有蚊帐,可以防止蚊虫叮咬引发疟疾,目前正在向灾民和当地群众发放。UNHCR is including mosquito nets to protect people from malaria in the basic relief kits it is distributing to the refugees and local people in the area.

在加入公署前,潘律师曾协助前立法局草拟基本法的中文版本。他是执业律师,在过去多年曾负责商业法方面的工作。Being under pressure is nothing new to pun , who assisted the legislative council in drafting the chinese version of the basic law before joining the pco.

约翰森理论上可能会成为首相,但他获得了国务公署的名义署员的职位,而这一职位似乎毁掉的人比成就的人更多。Mr Johnson, who in theory might have been prime minister, gained what is notionally one of the great offices of state, but one that breaks more careers than it makes.

曾任第二预备军司令部交通处长和川康绥靖公署交通处长。He was once the general director of Communications Department, Second Reserve Army, and director of Communications Department under Chuankang Suijing Government Office.

办公署联盟首席经济学家特瑞·佛兰科说,农场联办公署认为“进行风险评估是适宜的,在风险评估之前应该停止进口”。Terry Francl, chief economist of the AFBF, as saying Farm Bureau thinks "it's appropriate that the risk assessment be made and there should be a halt imports until then."

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在公署经验丰富的导师或委讬顾问的专业指导下,参加者可深入探讨公署发出的指引及实际情况。Participants will work through guidance notes issued by the PCPD and practical scenarios with expert guidance from PCPD's experienced trainers or commissioned consultants.

妇女执委理事会奖项的首届颁奖礼是在2008年3月2日在文华大酒店举行,由总理公署部长兼人民协会副主席林文兴先生主持。The inaugural WIN Awards were presented on 2 March 2008 at Meritus Mandarin Hotel by Mr Lim Boon Heng, Minister, Prime Minister's Office and Deputy Chairman of People's Association.

这个蓝图已经于2011年3月31日呈交给总理公署及社会发展青年及体育部研究和探讨。欢迎大家提出您的看法。This blueprint has already been presented to the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth, and Sports on 31-3-2011 for their research and consideration.