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维勒列出的后来居上者如下Wayner lists the following as up-and-comers

我们将后来居上,赢得这场比赛,教练。We're going to come from behind and win this game, coach.

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我国拱坝建设也后来居上,数量已是世界第一。Arch dam construction in China has developed and the quantity stands first.

假使他们能在第二回合后来居上,淘汰曼城,那也称不上是冷门。It would be no shock if they recovered to eliminate City in the second leg.

我们也清楚,如果不继续前进,那很快就会被别人后来居上。We also know that if we don' t get a move on , we will soon be left behind.

谁知道发生了什么事,我们却后来居上获得了订单。Who knows what happened to that hand-out, but we came from far behind to win.

当斯齐亚沃尼后来居上欲将比赛拖入第三盘时,李娜没有恐慌。When Schiavone made a late bid to push the match to three sets, Li didn't panic.

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在接力赛中,二班的最后一名同学后来居上,赢得了比赛。In the relay race, the last student of Class Two came from behind to win the match.

不料有后来居上者从我右臂下钻过,我只得用臂力将其遏住。Unexpectedly someone got through under my right arm and I had to stopped him with my arm strength.

因为19世纪末20世纪初,德国经济发展后来居上,实力大增。Because of the the German economy development was great strength. , late 19th and early 20th century.

这对十二号种子选手完成了一场后来居上的比赛,向中国的春节献上了完美的节日礼物。It was a sterling come-from-behind victory by the 12th seeds and the perfect Chinese New Year present.

在一个州名列第二的候选人如果能够在拥有大量代表名额的其他州获胜,则可后来居上。This allows for a second-place candidate to catch up by winning a state with a large number of delegates.

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多赛特对中国的这种后来居上的力量努力不断发展的模式很欣赏。Dorsett characterized the aircraft's status as "the front end of a capability' China is trying to develop."

非洲杯足球赛上,卫冕冠军埃及队后来居上,完胜尼日利亚。Defending champions Egypt came from behind to seal a fine victory over Nigeria in the Africa Cup of Nations.

但它后来居上,势力发展很快,终于成为占有重要地位的教派。But it later came to power has developed rapidly, and finally became an important place of the denominations.

你是否同意这辆赛车似乎不会随著新系统的加入在赛季初就一鸣惊人而是更可能在中后段后来居上?Is it a case that this car will make an impact later this season rather than sooner as new packages are developed?

但是这位伦敦歌手似乎有后来居上的赶超之势,她今年唱片的销量占市面上唱片总销量的十分之一。But it seems the Londoner has overtakenthe American pop singer and has officially sold one in 10 records this year.

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当前的清史研究改变了其在断代史研究中的后进面貌,且有后来居上的可能。Nowadays the study on Qing dynasty history changed its state of later corner, and is likely surpassing the formers.

和各国消费者相比,中国的顾客终于有点后来居上的意思了—至少,在某些方面确实如此。The Chinese shopper is finally becoming more like her counterpart in the rest of the world — at least, in some ways.

阿森纳后来居上与巴塞罗那2-2握手言和,但这仅仅是管中窥豹,艾米尔球场上演了一场纯粹的戏剧。Arsenal came back to draw 2-2 with Barcelona, but that only tells half the story on a night of pure drama at the Emirates.