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他眉宇之间怒气横生。His brow clouded with anger.

在面颊上与眉宇间的美。And on that cheek, and o'er that brow.

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假如我的眉宇反射出这光辉。And, if my brow gives back their light.

一切的一切,都那般清晰地印刻在眉宇。All everything is so clearly etched in forehead.

一条模糊的褶皱出现在她的眉宇之间,她似乎不清楚……There was a faint crease between her eyebrows that she seemed unaware of.

分开以后,我的泪不停流,习惯眉宇你的天空,需要多久?Separate later, my tears kept flow, habit forehead your sky, need how long?

他眉宇间有些许深纹,这让我有种不祥的预感。There were furrows in the old brow, and I had a kind of foreboding feeling.

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眉宇间似乎被千年的顽石深深的锁住。The forehead the stone that seem to a quilt for thousand years the profound lock live.

他身上的其他部分也很讨女人喜欢,老人给了他强壮的胳膊和优雅的脖子,他的眉宇开阔而且恰到好处哦。He made him strong of arm and elegant of neck, and his brows were wide and well-spaced.

她的眉宇显得严厉,站得笔直,闪着光泽的黑发梳成一条马尾。She had severe eyebrows, an erect bearing, and shiny black hair combed into a ponytail.

灰白的头发,脸上眉宇和脸颊之间和嘴角周围刻着深深的皱纹,一个笨重的身体。Gray hair, a face with deep furrow on brow and cheeks and around the mouth, and a heavy body.

安静和舒适的表情悄悄掠过他的眉宇就象慈祥的月光照在凄凉的景物上面一般。Rest and peace steal over his features like the merciful moonlight over a desolate landscope.

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这位白发军官双目炯炯有神,眉宇间露出一副执拗的凶相。The elderly white-haired officer had the gnarled and menacing brow and blazing, powerful eyes.

在所有的姿势中,专注于眉宇中心,即第三眼,人类意识的居所。During all poses you concentrate on the space between the eyebrows, the third eye, the seat of mind.

在生活与工作中力求上进的人,总可以在其眉宇面颊上,看到自尊和快乐。Ones who try ones' best to live on a revitalized life can show their self-respect and joy naturally.

如果你眉宇激活跨公司成本核算,系统用物料记录中的价格。If you have not activated cross-company costing, the system uses a price from the material master record.

眉宇透着英气,嘴角洋溢笑意,东北男人的刚毅中糅合着温情,这就是他给我的印象。Handsome look and smile face, this Northeast man has fortitude blending with warmth, this is my impression on him.

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当化妆师乔给爱丽丝扑粉的时候,他钦慕地盯着她,眉宇间的汗珠仿佛傍晚的露珠一般。As Joe powders her face for the shoot, he gazes at her with naked adoration, perspiration forming on his brow like evening dew.

急速奔跑一段时间,突地一下弹起,去碰触那些跃过眉宇的树叶,有的只是无限的快感。Fast running time, Tude about pop-up to those who jump across the forehead to touch the leaves, there are only infinite pleasure.

“哎——”男子轻轻的叹息一声,眉宇间多了一丝淡淡的忧伤,双目微合,似乎在感悟着天地至理。"Ah --" man lightly sigh a, the forehead more than a hint of sadness, binocular micro alloy, seems to be feeling the world truth.