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社区的路要走。Community on the go.

社区启蒙通过任何书面考试。Pass any CCIE written exam.

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我们按照社区所希望的做。We do what the community wants.

构想一个社区不难。Envisioning a community is easy.

或者至少,他们的社区在搞。Or at least, their community is.

这一资产社区是私有的。This asset community is private.

社区组织者做什么?What Do Community Organizers Do?

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什么是社区园圃?What is a community garden plot?

活贤社区中心。Woodgreen Community Centre of Tor.

这也要视其周围社区而定。And it depends on the neighborhood.

当地社区自行决定优先事项Local Communities Decide Priorities

这个社区人口稠密。The community is densely populated.

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社区的路很安全。The neighborhood road is very safe.

重要的是社区想要什么。It matters what the Community wants.

社区洗衣房,游泳池和娱乐室。Community laundry, pool and rec room.

我们想接触诸如大学校园这样的社区。I guess it depends on your standpoint.

加入社区农场或杂货鸡舍。Join a community farm or grocery coop.

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进行一个百周年社区计划。Conduct a Centennial Community Project.

全家一起做一次社区规划。Get together to do a community project.

我觉得它是一个很城市化的渔业社区。I guess a very urban fishing community.