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她具有媚人的风姿。She has charming manners.

她风姿绰约,适合当一名舞蹈演员。She is graceful enough to be a dancer.

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在你就要把玩她最后一缕风姿时,安然的飘落。You 'll play in her last posture, Enron's fall.

她的风姿吸引了晚会上所有的人。Her graciousness charmed everyone all the party.

给那件新袍子一个风姿吧。Please give that new garment a graceful bearing.

他们遇到了一位风姿翩翩,削瘦健谈的老人。They noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man.

今天,弥漫其间的优雅风姿依然如故。Today the time-honored elegance still pervades it.

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他们正谈论着斯威夫特夫人时,她风姿绰约地走了进来。They were talking of Mrs. Swift when she sailed in.

那棵雪松约有五尺高,风姿优美。The cedar was about five feet high and very shapely.

这个女人的风姿征服了嘉莉的心。The graceful bearing of this woman appeal to Carrie.

军旗旁阿谁有风格的古罗马女经理具备风姿。The manly Roman woman manager by the banner had man's manner.

大约30多个女孩蜂拥而至迅速围拢上来,在汽车耀眼的大灯前显出绰约的风姿。About 30 girls swarm around it, posing in the glare of its headlights.

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秀丽的杭州风景,在朦朦细雾中,显得风姿绰约。In Hangzhou, the Beautiful scenery in a mist looks so charming and graceful.

梦露在片中就扮演这个风姿绰约、性感撩人的女房客。The dream plays this charming , sexy and stirring woman's tenant in the slice.

事实上,全世界只剩下一本艾格尼丝·风姿的预言书。In fact, only one copy of Agnes Nutter's prophecies remained in the entire world.

这种薄型睡衣,更使女人风姿绰约。挤压而成的细尼龙纤维。This kind of thin pajama makes ladies even more charming AND graceful in bearing.

懂得欣赏,你也便拥有迷人的风姿。Understands the appreciation, you also then have the enchanting graceful bearing.

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如何让年轻的笑容充盈水漾生命活力,绽放朝霞般的亮丽风姿?How to keep the smile face fill with vitality, shining like a bright glow of grace?

你就是那个风姿绰约的桃花仙子,轻轻掠起一片娇羞烂漫的红霞!You are the Peace to all that grace graceful, gently Lueqi a shy and artless Hongxia!

就是活跃在山东画坛被人誉为风姿多才的女画家萧蕙先生。This is Ms. Xiao Hui, known as the talented female painter in Shandong painting world.