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确实很玄乎的哦!What do we really know about reincarnation?

风水其实没有一些人想象的那样玄乎。It isn't all mumbo jumbo as some people think.

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依我看,他们的成功有点儿玄乎。As far as I can see, their success is a bit iffy.

现实往往往比小说更玄乎。As often, however, truth is stranger than fiction.

创造感受听起来可能很美妙,但其实却非常玄乎。Constructing the feelings sounds beautiful, but too mysterious.

但是,也毋庸置疑我的好运气的确有点玄乎。Still, there was no point in denying my almost spooky good fortune.

有些小贴士看起来像“心诚则灵”样玄乎,但是为了家人的健康还是值得一试的。Some are common sense, and some might take some effort, but the payoff of a healthy family is definitely worth it.

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而且,SOA技术提供商把这个问题弄得更玄乎,承诺整个世界而只交付适度的结果。Moreover, the SOA technology vendors have further confused the issue, promising the world but delivering reasonable results.

除了运动必有结果这一理论。第二节与第三节的内容请大家不要太在意!太玄乎了!Apart from the theory of motion ultimately bring about results, the content of section 2 and 3 shall be less cared for, as they are too empty!

唯一玄乎的就是,中国没有通过法律保护私有财产,却又是如何取得了如此惊人的经济增长呢?The only mystery about China is how it accomplished such stunning growth with little in the way of protection for private property through the law.

高一鸣像换了一个人,忽然深沉玄乎起来,酣畅也像变了个人一样闷闷不乐,她一定要设法找到高一飞在海南的下落。Future back GaoYiMing like change a person, suddenly dark, sweet as iffy up a changed man as glum, she must try to find GaoYiFei in hainan's whereabouts.

但是,在这场撞击悬案中,得出“另一颗彗星”是这次事件的元凶的结论似乎有点玄乎。However, in this cosmic game of whodunit, jumping to the conclusion that "another" comet was to blame for the 2009 impact turns out to have been a red herring.

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棍术是中国传统的武术,真实的棍术虽然没有武侠小说中那麽玄乎,但依然对健康身心有著奇妙的功效。Cudgel play is a kind of traditional Chinese martial arts. Though it's not as glamorous as it's shown in Kongfu movies, it's really healthy for both mind and body.

汤普森说,“许多人觉得‘我清楚我的短期计划’,但是如果没有弄清他们对‘短期’的界定,你的回答就很玄乎了。”"A lot of people think 'I know what my short-term goal is,' but if you don't know their definition of 'short term,' your answer may or may not be appropriate," says Thompson.