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小孩子喘着粗气,像得了哮喘似的。Kids breathing asthma.

你还是个小孩子。You're just a pipsqueak.

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小孩子嗬嗬做声表示称心满意。The child purred content.

你这小孩子怎么会来的?How can you kid come here!

小孩子是不知好歹的。Young children are amoral.

再举个例子,小孩子。Another example-- children.

他是好动的小孩子。He's a spunky little child.

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每次给小孩子剪头发都是一次紧张的经验。It's an intense experience.

她像对待小孩子那样娇惯他。She coddles him like a child.

但是,我们都曾经是小孩子。But we were all children once.

他认为小孩子是很可爱。He thinks the babes is so cute.

而且这一产品针对的是小孩子。And a product for kids, at that.

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比利和波比都是小孩子。Billy and Bobby were small boys.

别让你的小孩子乱动我的财物。Keep your brats off my property.

小孩子耳朵尖。Little pitchers have a big ears.

然而,题材不全是小孩子故事。It's not all kids' stuff, though.

太长的故事会使小孩子烦躁不安。A long tale gives a child fidgets.

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小孩子没有学上。Children were not going to school.

小孩子肉皮儿嫩。Young children have delicate skin.

布鲁诺骗取了那小孩子手里的钱。Bruno fleeced the kid of his money.