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我完全不知所措。I was perplexed.

大城市的交通使我不知所措。Big city's traffic bewilders me.

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疾风使勇敢的吉姆不知所措。Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim.

这条消息使我不知所措。I was completely bowled over by the news.

罗纳德的发球又一次使丹顿不知所措。Ronald confused Denton again with his serve.

他说了一大堆客气话使我不知所措。He confused me with a deluge of polite words.

它很有可能迷路了,饥寒交迫。不知所措。He's probably out there lost, cold, confused.

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刘开始新工作的时候,茫然不知所措。Liu was all at sea when he began his new job.

但是如果超出30秒,这种动物就会不知所措。But if the delay stretchs beyond 30 seconds.the

当我来到新的班上时,我感到茫然不知所措。I felt muddled up when I came to the new class.

可怜的简对这次聚会真有些不知所措。Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party.

你真的被大量的工作弄得不知所措?Are you overwhelmed by the amount of work needed?

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你的爱人会不高兴且不知所措吗?Does your sweetheart seem grouchy and overwhelmed?

那伤感的声音把一棵藤的后半生弄得不知所措。His sad voice to a vine life after made at a loss.

他被问得不知所措地傻笑著。He was so embarrassed by the question, he tittered.

你是否感到不知所措或是工作太多无从下手?Do you ever feel overwhelmed or have too much to do?

那可怕的消息传来,我们都吓得不知所措。We were all absolutely poleaxed by the terrible news.

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起初,我对于翻译不知所措。I was initially lost in translation and disorientated.

欧洲文化在另一方面使经济学家感到不知所措。In another way, Europe's culture confounds economists.

那可怕的消息传来,我们都吓得不知所措。We were all absolutely pole-axed by the terrible news.