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这也是我们所得到的降息幅度。That is what we got.

疼痛幅度大约在0到21分之间变化。Pain was rated on a 0-to-21 scale.

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最新明基西门子幅度亦形容。Latest benq siemens range also described.

他们工种的技术含量大幅度提高。Their jobs have been drastically upskilled.

幅度和变化是关键因素。It is all about big movements and variation.

李钟柱说,这与过去几年的调薪幅度相似。She adds that is in line with previous years.

几乎所有的内核修复都是小幅度的。Almost all these kernel fixes were minor ones.

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我们要做的就像是改变钟摆幅度。Overdoing this class is shifting the pendulum.

到目前为止,订单数大约为170架,并且增加幅度缓慢。So far orders are around 170 and growing slowly.

这只是让你们对高低的幅度有所认识So that's just to give you a sense of the range.

金山词霸译为“大幅度的削减预算”。The mayor announced draconian budget cuts today.

给予高收入者较大幅度的收入税减免。Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax.

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如果是趋势跟踪,就去寻找振荡幅度不大的。If it's trend-following, go for the small ranges.

通常多采用俯仰臂架的方法来实现工作幅度的改变。It changes working radius usually by luffing jib.

这是2003年以来的最低增长幅度。It was the smallest spending increase since 2003.

你过去所有的努力现在变成了一次大幅度的加薪。All your hard work now adds up to a big fat raise.

但有人则认为此次托福网考扩容的幅度还不够大。But some say the increase is still not big enough.

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如果必要,我们随时可以缩小奖金幅度的。We can always scale down the bonuses if we have to.

小幅度的通货膨胀对于股市也是有好处的。Good for the stock market, too, a whiff of inflation.

由于咬合力的存在,使粗粒土的强度大幅度提高。It may raise the strength of the coarse grained soil.