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国内互联网实是底呱呱!Internet is number one!

“我们呱呱,”六只小乌鸦说。"We caw, "said the six.

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洛尼总是呱呱地说。Rodney always croaked and said.

我能听到青蛙呱呱的叫声。I could hear croaking of the frogs.

一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。Frogs began to croak with the rainfall.

“我将在一次聚会上碰到她吗?”他呱呱的叫着。"Will I meet her at a party?" he croaks.

贫穷人家的一个孩子呱呱落地。A young child will be born of poor people.

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在一个炎热的午后,我去了池塘,看见鸭子呱呱。One hot day, I went to the pond and saw Quackers.

四个孩子在杂乱无章的屋子里咭咭呱呱笑着打转。Four children milled and clattered about the rambling house.

一群呱呱鸣叫的乌鸦从她面前飞起。A flock of cawing ravens had just flown up from in front of her.

当我把呱呱坠地的婴儿抱在手臂里,这种感受同样悠然而生。I have also experienced it as I held in my arms a just-born baby.

当它们互相撕咬的时候,它们的嘴巴会发出一种轻微的,呱呱的声音。When they bite each other, their jaws make a softer, croaking sound.

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老鸭子呱呱直叫,吵得我昨晚几乎一夜没合眼。The old duck quacked and quacked so I hardly slept a wink last night.

从呱呱落地起,我就注定成了农家的子弟。I was doomed to be a child of poor farming family the minute I was born.

名为斯特拉的婴儿于2月25日呱呱坠地,体重7磅7盎司。Baby Stella was born on 25 February, weighing seven pounds, seven ounces.

当他瞅见小床里的拇指姑娘时,兴奋的呱呱大叫起来。When he saw little Thumbelina in her tiny cradle, he croaked with delight.

教育的传统角色几乎自婴儿呱呱坠地就开始了。According to them, this traditional role of education begins almost at birth.

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青蛙没等小蝌蚪说完,就“呱呱呱”大笑起来。And other small frogs, tadpoles did not finish, on the "Gua Guagua, " laughed.

小青蛙勇敢的站起来也呱呱呱地唱了一首歌。The little frog stands up bravely, He croaks and croaks and also sings a song.

据说是时钟敲响的刹那,我亦同时呱呱坠地,分秒不差。It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously.