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我诧异的回答。I reply, appalled.

伊丽莎白有些神色诧异。Elizabeth looked surprised.

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黑根对这一评语感到很诧异。Hagen wondered at this remark.

结果可能会令你感到诧异!The results might surprise you!

令人诧异的是,答案似乎是否定的。Bizarrely, the answer seems to be no.

喂丽萃,我已经叫你感到诧异了吧。Now, Lizzy, I think I have surprised you.

我很诧异亨利四世的亵渎的话竟会是这个。This astonishes me on the part of Henri IV.

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而这当然也使一些中国观察家非常诧异。And it certainly surprises some China-watchers.

二月红、丫头见到尹新月,有些诧异。Red, wench see Yin Xinyue February, some surprise.

听说她嫁给了她的师长教师,我感到很诧异。I was surprised at her marriage to her tefeel sorer.

整个国家似乎都对阅读着迷,这突入其来的阅读热情甚至让出版商都觉得诧异。The entire country seemed to be obsessed with reading.

而徐嘉惠对叶紫葳终于选择了马翔很诧异。And XuJiaHui assists chose to Veda MaXiang very surprised.

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您能设念我闻声阿谁音尘有多诧异吗?Can you imagine how much I was surprised to hear the news?

所以,这次看到伪娘我并不诧异。So I’m not that surprised to see transsexuals this time around.

我诧异所有这一切时,韩麦尔先生已经坐到椅子上。While I was wondering about it all, M. Hamel mounted his chair.

“但是,明美,事业是你的生命。”瑞克诧异地说。"But Minmei, your career is your life" said Rick with surprise.

奎-冈金极为诧异,根本没有料到这样一次攻击。Qui-Gon was utterly surprised and unprepared for such an attack.

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看到她屈就自己在快餐店里吃饭真让我诧异。I was surprised to see her slumming it in a fast-food restaurant.

一些问题问的不着边际,一些问题问的令你诧异。Asked irrelevant questions, ask some questions to make you surprised.

我好诧异,你怎么没有带特瑞女士来做舞伴呀。It surprises me that you did not bring Mrs. Terrell along for company.