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三一重工的一位发言人拒绝置评。A Sany spokesman declined to comment.

到访三一重工集团有限公司。A tour to Sany Heavy Industry Company Limited.

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6月26日,再次驱车来到建设中的海新重工。June 26, once again drove to Haixin HI in building.

三一重工的收购提议在被徐工集团拒绝之后也失败了。Sany's bid also failed after being rejected by Xugong.

河南黎明路桥重工有限公司。He'nan Liming Road and Bridge Heavy Industry Co. , Ltd.

四川腾中重工就是在押注这个市场能够复苏。Sichuan Tengzhong's bet is that the market can recover.

很期待下周日与三星重工的友谊比赛!Expecting the friendship match with SAMSUNG Heavy Industry Team!

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2006年三菱重工开设中东代表处在迪拜。MHI opened its Middle East Representative Office in Dubai in 2006.

三一重工建立在长沙,中国南部的湖南省会。Sany is based in Changsha, the capital of Hunan in southern China.

韩国现代重工集团正在建设至少十家公司的新船。At least ten of the company's newbuidlings are under construction at HHI.

日本政府和三菱重工都没透露说谁应该对此网络攻击事件负责。Neither the Japanese government nor MHI have said who may be responsible.

用不了两年,青岛四方就说它已经消化了川崎重工的技术。Within two years, Qingdao Sifang says, it had absorbed Kawasaki's technology.

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许多人认为,波音是日本重工技术进步的主要原因。Boeing, many say, is the main reason for the Heavies ' technological progress.

这是海新重工舾装码头建成后停靠的首艘10万吨级以上散货轮。It is the first bulk carrier over 100000 dwt to berth at this outfitting dock.

印度重工以前被认为是国家电力行业发展的支柱。BHEL was supposed to be the mainstay of the country's power sector development.

如今在重工行业中,有不少的蒸汽锅炉都进行了生物质改造。Now in heavy industry, there are many steam boilers are biomass transformation.

通用汽车和腾中重工曾约定达成最终协议的截止日期为1月31日。GM and Tengzhong had set a deadline of Jan. 31 to complete a definitive agreement.

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腾中重工所在地四川省的一位富豪李炎将收购余下股份。Li Yan, a local tycoon in Tengzhong's native Sichuan province, is to buy the rest.

富士重工的第一辆汽车,斯巴鲁迷你360型,使用了一系列全新的技术。Fuji's first car, the 1958 Subaru 360 Minicar, utilized a variety of new technologies.

目前飞翼重工在全国设12个营销分公司,20个办事处。Up to now, FENY heavy industry has set up12 marketing branches and20 offices interiorly.