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手写多些信和咭给别人。Handwrite more letters or cards.

信是英文手写的。The letter is handwritten in English.

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不过我倒是可以解释一下为什么我要手写那封情书。I can explain a bit why I handwrote it.

确定这是打印的文件还是手写的?Is it the type document or handwritten?

他手写的诗稿价值不菲。His handwritten poems are worth a fortune.

收到手写信件。Receiving a hand-written letter in the mail.

写给客人的便条你要亲自手写。You should handwrite the note to your guests.

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绘图可以用手指或手写笔。Drawing can be done with a finger or a stylus.

只要一个手写笔,会有卓尔不群的效果!If you have a stylus for this, nothing like it!

简历需要用文字处理器,而不能直接手写。CV should be word-processed and never handwritten.

所以用手写就变得越来越困难了。So writing by hand becomes more and more difficult.

在打印的名字下面加上手写的签名。Hand-sign each invitation beneath your printed name.

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他有帮手,但是他将亲自手写出来。He has help, but will write it himself, in longhand.

所有这一切,也可以不使用手写笔。All this is likewise possible without using the stylus.

如果你是手写答案,请字迹工整。If you hand-write your responses, please write legibly.

它的手写的宪法在1600年10月8日被采用。Its written constitution was adopted on 8 October 1600.

汉斯莱命令道,他手中的手写笔停在PDA小小的屏幕上。Hensley commanded, wand poised over the tiny PDA screen.

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在尼克松档案馆里,存放着两封手写的感谢信。In the Nixon archives are two hand-written thank-you notes.

打出的信,附有手写的一张字条。We received a typewritten letter with a note added by hand.

像这种国家机要人员的手写文件在我国是禁止拍卖的。Ltd. "These works are not allowed to be auctioned in China."